Building Your Family’s Natural Home Medicine Cabinet

Building Your Family’s Natural Home Medicine Cabinet by: Sarah for Off The Grid News

In a post-collapse survival situation having recourse to your own private, natural home medicine cabinet will be critical. You can begin to prepare now by stockpiling time-tested treatments that will allow you to delay or even avoid a trip to the Doctor. Included in the ailments you can treat on your own are: sore throats, infections, toothaches, back aches, stomach pains, chest pains, fever, cough and headaches. Here are some easily obtainable items that can go a long way toward treating the most common health problems.

Sore Throats

Sore throats are a common symptom of several diseases and are especially common in children. Usually these ailments are minor and will cure themselves in a few days. What is needed is a way to relieve the symptoms and prevent the infection from becoming worse. One of the basics in your home medicine cabinet will be the staple baking soda.  Gargling rinses of salt water, baking soda, green tea extract or garlic can all provide relief and help kill the streptococcus bacteria that are multiplying in your throat. Begin gargling as soon as you feel the first signs of a sore throat (usually a tickle) and continue until the symptoms disappear.

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Inflammation can range from simple soreness after muscular exertion to chronic diseases such as arthritis. Nature provides us with several treatments for inflammation that allow us to avoid the side effects associated with man-made inflammatory drugs. Among its many other positive health effects, resveratrol has been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory. This is the ingredient that gives red wine its health benefits and is now available in capsule form. SAMe, available in health food stores, is also a good treatment for inflammation. It can help with the pain brought on by osteoarthritis and has proved as effective as the leading arthritis medication, Celebrex.


Headaches are a common problem caused by numerous conditions and it can be extremely difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. A recurring headache could signal the existence of something more serious, but most headaches are caused by tension, dehydration and other minor problems. Magnesium supplements can help alleviate many of these minor headaches. Other supplements that can help are iron and CoQ10. Women are especially susceptible to iron deficiency and often suffer from headaches during menstruation.

Chronic Sinus Infections

This condition is usually caused by a fungal infection. It is fairly common in people who spend a lot of time in the waters of humid environments. Oil of oregano is a simple, natural product that can help fight this fungal infection. Oil of oregano can be found in health food stores in capsule form.

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