3 truths for moving closer to God and others

3 truths for moving closer to God and others By Nick Hall, CP Op-Ed Contributor for Christian Post

Something happened to me about ten years ago that changed my life.

God brought a friend into my life named Mike. Mike started calling me and eventually invited me to go on a journey after Jesus together. Mike was intentional with me; he would hang out with me and dive into God’s Word with me. The profoundly relational nature of God changed the way I pursued and experienced Him.

Through Mike, I was reminded not to do this life alone. I was reminded that God invites us into something better. God was the answer I was looking for all along.

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God wants to meet us and be with us

Being relational is a foundational component of who God is. From the beginning of time, He made us in His image. He created mankind to be perfect, along with the beauty and innocence that goes along with it.

In the Old Testament, we see God encountering and relating with Adam and Eve despite their sins. In the New Testament, we see this exemplified in Jesus as the image of God. Jesus would look you in the eye, no matter if you were a leper or an outcast, and invite you to a seat at the table. Whether you were a king or a prostitute, Jesus would meet you there.

John 1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him, all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

He is there to invite us into something better. It’s that relationship that changes everything.

God is the only answer that you’re looking for

We see so many religions that strive to achieve acceptance from God or some other deity. What sets Christianity apart is that it’s not a story of God being far away but the story of God coming close.

All of us have thought at one time or another, “There has to be more to life than this.” Ultimately, God is the only right answer. He is that thing you’ve been looking for. Until you find your identity and meaning in God, you will always be looking for satisfaction in other places — money, social media, a job or other relationships.

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