Mike Bickle Answers the One Question Everyone Has About Prayer

Mike Bickle Answers the One Question Everyone Has About Prayer from CHARISMA NEWS

We all have the same question: Why does God take so long to answer my prayers?

Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri, says he doesn’t have an easy response to this common concern, but he does know one thing: God cares about the relationship more than the request.

“The Lord is more interested in the conversation with us than He is in some of the things that we actually do,” Bickle tells Dr. Steve Greene on a popular episode of the Greenelines podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “He wants the conversation. He cares about what we do, but He really wants a conversation.

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“The Lord sometimes delays the answer because He’s going to give it in a different time, in a different way,” Bickle says. “But He wants the conversation; he wants the heart-connect more than anything. And the answers are key.”

Sometimes, we receive the answer to our prayer a month or two after we pray it, but other times, it takes years, Bickle says. “I’m like you and everyone else; I don’t like the delay. But the divine delay is there. And at the end of the day, we have to trust His leadership.”

He explains that over time, He has seen how God uses the delays to work His will into our lives. But that doesn’t make them any easier to endure.

“When you’re waiting through a divine delay, sometimes that could really create angst and pressure,” Bickle says. “But then the Lord says, ‘Do you trust My leadership? Do you just trust what you see with your eyes when I release it, or do you actually trust My wisdom over your life, and that I actually know what I’m doing, and I care about you more than you care about you?’

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