COP26 & The Great Reset: The Not So Glorious Prospect of Owning Nothing and Passing a Cold, Dark Winter

COP26 & The Great Reset: The Not So Glorious Prospect of Owning Nothing and Passing a Cold, Dark Winter by Cynthia Chung for Strategic-Culture

Either you go along with the green program (that ignores nuclear as green) or you don’t get credit. Which is a policy that will, and is, quite predictably driving up energy prices.

There is a bit of panic flapping about over the number of heads of state who will not be attending, in person, the COP26 Conference that will be held starting on All Hallows’ Eve and lasting till November 12th.

The reason for the panic is because, in case you have been living in some bunker underground, we are in the midst of a very serious energy crisis along with hyperinflation, and there are growing murmurings that the very policies that COP26 wants to maximize to full throttle at this conference, are at the very source of what is causing this energy crisis.

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It is no secret that there will be the very vigorous attempt to strong arm the heads of state that do end up attending this conference into signing onto these fully maximized COP26 policies which are likely to only exacerbate the problem, with the projection that citizens across Europe are expected to spend a very cold and dark winter this year….during what we are told is an ongoing pandemic….and this apparently an acceptable thing.

Goldman Sachs has recently released a report confirming these fears, and warning that there is a blackout risk for European industry this winter. This is most certainly highly likely, however, the reason for why this is likely to occur is where the truth of the matter is getting very muddied. The thing is, such outright lies are rather easily verifiable, if one takes the time to look into things past your favourite echo chamber of MSM parroting mouthpieces.

Presently, the popular line is once again to blame Russia. Yes I know, they should really fire the writers for this season’s epic drama series, season 2 looks awfully like season 1. With the money they are being paid you’d expect a little more panache. Instead what we get is the repetitive and boring tone-deafness of CNBC anchor Hadley Gamble who acted as the plenary session moderator for Russia’s Energy Week International Forum which was held just a week ago.

The best Hadley Gamble could seemingly come up with was to simply pretend she was not hearing the answers she was hearing from President Putin, it was quite something to behold, and not only called into question her level of competence and professionalism but also lost a lot of valuable time where a larger range of very important subjects could have been discussed. I highly recommend people read the entire transcript of the Q&A period for themselves, instead of the gossip column version that CNBC and others will undoubtedly report, spliced in between the subliminal Coca-Cola commercials.

During the Q&A, one of the details President Putin had to repeat multiple times, since it fell upon deaf ears, was that contrary to the accusation that Russia has decreased its gas supply to Europe, it has in fact, increased its supply of gas to EuropePresident Putin states:

Gazprom has upped supplies by 10 percent, and in general, Russia has increased supplies to Europe by 15 percent. Pipeline gas is up by 10 percent, and LNG, up to 13 percent. We are increasing, not reducing deliveries. But other suppliers have cut deliveries by 14 billion cubic metres. US suppliers account for half of the cutsWe have not denied a single request, not a single one, and we are increasing supplies to Turkey, via Blue Stream and TurkStream; we are increasing supplies to the Balkans – they have been redirected through TurkStream now, but we are increasing deliveries via the existing routes as well. We have even increased supplies through the Ukrainian gas transportation system.” Despite the GTS equipment being 80% obsolete, and at risk to burst if pressure exceeds the present flow rate.

Yes you heard right, Russia has been actually increasing its gas supplies since the beginning of this year. It is not Russia that has cut down on its supply to Europe. This is easily verifiable information, it is open to the public for anyone who wants to verify this. Even outgoing Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel has confirmed this, as well as European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans.

So where is the shortage coming from? Well for starters there was an inadequate amount of energy stored by wind and solar energy over the summer. Typically, the summer is when energy is stored for use during winter (since wind and solar are not effective energy producers during the cold season). Since the amount of energy gathered over the summer by wind and solar will not be enough to cover the energy needs during the winter, there has been an increased demand for gas supplies to cover this loss.

Many countries within Europe, but I would say most notably Germany, have cut down on their ability to generate energy other than from wind and solar.

In the case of Germany, its nuclear generation has decreased from 29.5% in 2000 to 11.4% in 2020 with the plan to shutdown all of their nuclear power plants by 2022.

It is presently Germany who risks suffering from the coldest and darkest winter this year.

The absurdity of the situation, is that countries who have shutdown their alternative energy sources, are no longer self-sustaining but rather are now reliant on other countries supplying their energy needs, using the very energy forms that they have banned in their own countries.

This is why Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 are literally a matter of life and death for the German people. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of self-contradiction going on presently in the midst of this energy crisis. Only a few months ago, the US was sanctioning the go-ahead for Nord Stream 2. Then the US decided to waive it sanctions this past May, however, after only three months decided to sanction a Russian ship and two companies involved in the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in an attempt to halt the project. This by the way, was against Chancellor Merkel’s wishes, the US was intervening on Germany’s ability to meet its energy demands and decide for itself.

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