for Giza Death StarGNN Note – Yes, the current times may not be bad enough to pull the trigger on the UFO story – you know, let the cat out of the bag, so-to-speak. /END
If you’ve been following the field of ufology lately – or as I like (sometimes) to call it, ufoology – you’ve probably noticed a few attempts in the past two or three years by “the powers that be” to keep the subject on people’s minds. There was Tom DeLonge, Hal Puttoff and the To The Stars Academy; there were appearances of “former” CIA people on the national news shows along with recent video tapes and films of declassified gun camera footage showing our pilots chasing “somethings”; even the New York Times and a few magazines ran a few articles(it wasn’t, to be sure, the first time the Times had run articles about UFOs. It has been doing this for decades. But the context was different. We’ll get back to this). Many in the “disclosure community” took all this as a sign and signal that it (disclosure) was once again just around the corner. I remained, and remain, highly skeptical.
Nonetheless, there was something different about this latest round of stories, films, interviews and so on: the government, or at least, people connected with it, had changed their tune from the 1950s mantra “they’re nothing but swamp gas or other natural phenomena that have been misidentified or misunderstood” and from the 1960s Condon-Report-era mantra “they don’t exist” to the 1980s Reagan musings in front of the United Nations General Assembly (and Mr. Gorbachev) “what if they do exist and are out to get us? We would all drop our differences and make common cause. Will you help?” (Mr. Gorbachev: “Certainly we will!”) What was different about this last round was, well, the feel of it. There was evident coordination, and a kind of marketing campaign to keep people focused on the subject. There was talk that Darth Hillary was to be the “disclosure President” (with overtones of the feminine hand sweeping away decades of UFO-patriarchal male privilege with one executive order) until Mr. Trump ruined that narrative.
But the bottom line for me was there was a different “feel” to this. And in spite of the Covid planscamdemic, the stories and interviews, while they drifted off, did not cease completely. I thought at the time, and still think, a narrative was (and is) being prepared and marketed. But what narrative? This is where it gets interesting.
With that in mind, E.G. (and many more) sent along the following story about the new head of NASA, Bill Nelson, talking about UFOs: