Singing Hymns To God…
Good morning Great Missionary of the Gospels. May the Lord show favor to you and your family in this day and all the days to come.
Father God, it is a humble heart and on bended knee that we come before You, our Lord and Savior, to sing Your praises, to lift Your name like a banner over the whole of the earth. Father God, it is the renewing of our mercies that make a shout in our heart and cry in our soul to know You on a deeper level every single day. It is You, Father God, guiding us to Your beauty among the broken pieces, guiding us to the blessing You have for us. Father God, You shower our lives with promises and we give You all the glory. Father, You transform our mind that renews our Spirit that proves Your perfect, good will for us.
But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed. ~ Acts 16:25-26 NKJB
Father God, our chains and shackles fall to the ground as we sing Your praises. As we turn towards You, pray without ceasing, all of the earth begins to shake and mountains move. Father God, it is because of Your goodness and Your deep love for us that we have life abundant. It is because of You, Father God, that we have a Savior that walks with us, talks with us and provides cover under His wing of righteousness.
Father God, we come before You seeking Your blessings over Erik and his family. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ we seek a hedge of protection around this hospital and all the roadways that Christy travels to and fro. Father God, breathe into Erik the breath of Life, shine the Light of Your amazing unending Love into his heart. Father, let Your Light shine through Erik’s heart and radiate in those around him. Touch Christy’s heart and let her know the Holy Spirit fills her, walks with her and will provide for her every need. Father, You promised FirstFruits to this family, strengthen Your son, Erik, strengthen his muscles that he may arise from this bed and walk of his own accord.
Strengthen the care takers and touch their hearts, Father, that they would know You, You Father, are with them. That You, Father are their hands. You, Father, are the One creating the miracles in this hospital and all the hospitals across the land. Soften the hearts of the care takes that each one may come to believe, that each one would come home to You, the Great I Am. The God, our God, that was here before, is here today and will be here forevermore.
In Jesus Christ loving name we pray. Amen Amen Amen