Have COVID death numbers been exaggerated to scare people into submission? by Jack Hellner for Life Site News
When are Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, and other ‘experts’ going to tell the public the truth about how many people died from other causes that were instead attributed to COVID?
As soon as it was learned that fully vaccinated Colin Powell died of COVID complications, the “experts” came out to tell the public that the vaccine did not fail. They said Powell died from other diseases rather than COVID itself. His final illness, nevertheless, was characterized as “complications” from COVID.
Now, one line of thought is that the vaccines are useless, given that they didn’t protect Powell. But it’s doubtful that any of these experts really know what did Powell in.
It could just as easily be that Powell died of other causes even as he had COVID, but now his death is called a COVID death when, in reality, it was a cancer death. I’m going to pursue this latter line of thought.
When are Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, and other “experts” going to tell the public the truth about how many people died from other causes that were instead attributed to COVID? That’s been an issue for a while.
Why did the CDC suddenly change the way deaths from COVID were counted in March 2020 since it wasn’t based on science? Deaths from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other diseases were not attributed to the seasonal flu or another virus so why this time?
The doctors and hospitals were told to count deaths as caused by COVID if the people had tested positive for COVID or even if they assumed they had COVID.
Was it to intentionally goose the death numbers to scare the public into willing submission to all the dictatorial edicts?
The higher the deaths, the easier it has been to get the public to submit to lockdowns and destroy businesses and schools, to social distance, to contact tracing, to quarantine, to mask, and to endlessly test. Somehow we made it through the swine flu and lots of bad seasonal flu outbreaks without these government edicts.
Before 2020, people with no symptoms would not have gotten a test or been quarantined, but with higher death numbers, maybe they would. Insurance companies would not have paid for tests if a person had no symptoms.
How much money did test companies make because of all the free testing sites and rules?
Anyone who dared disagree with the government edicts was said to want people to get sick and die.