Alternatively, We Could Take the China Threat Seriously by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
There’s dumb, and then there’s the Biden administration. Just the other day, the Chi Coms fired off a hypersonic missile. It goes up on a rocket, then glides back to earth toward is target at about five times the speed of sound, and has the ability to zig and zag so that our missile defense systems can’t hit it. Now, you strap a hot rock to the tip, and that presents a multiple megaton problem for us.
So, let’s make a goof of it.
The ridiculous Jenn Psaki, speaking to the trained seals that make up the majority of the White House press corps, was asked about this highly troubling development, but it didn’t worry her gingery little head. “We welcome the competition,” she uptalked, apparently on purpose.
Are you kidding me? No. This is their response to an enemy that is closing in on the capability of wiping out our country with the push of a button. According to the experts, the reds have about 255 warheads now, so considering the track record of the intel community, count that as 500 minimum. And they are digging silos as we speak.
So, we have some choices – MAD (mutually assured destruction) or better missile defenses. But the Democrats have a third choice. Instead of spending cash we don’t have on new missile subs and land-based missiles to rebuild our shockingly diminished nuclear arsenal so that the Mao Men understand that whatever they start we finish, or lasers and stuff to vaporize these projectiles, they want to squander it on their ridiculous climate change hoax.
You know what would really change the climate, what would actually constitute man-made global warning? A few hundred commie nukes going off over the continental United States. That would warm us up a few million degrees. But hey, on the plus side we wouldn’t have an overpopulation problem anymore.
Wondering about what a nuclear war might look like, you innocent millennials and Gen Z types who did not grow up in the Cold War? This handy site will help you plot your personal chance of survival. Just place ground zero over whatever population center, or military or industrial concentration is nearest you crib and run the numbers. Use “airburst” and 300 kilotons, just to be conservative, for what would happen should a Chinese bomb would go kung ka-pow over your neighborhood.