Why is the medical profession letting us die?

Why is the medical profession letting us die? By Anony Mee for American Thinker

Thank you, Dr. Brian C. Joondeph, for your article on aspirin as a potential part of the COVID treatment regimen.  And for mentioning ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as similar safe and potentially effective therapeutics.

Here are a couple more to be considered.  (Please note that I am not a physician, and I am not dispensing medical advice.  I’m just commenting on publicly available information.)  Bromhexine, an ingredient found in some cough suppressants, may work due to its protease-inhibitor functions, according to a paper released in May 2020.  It appears to have use as both a prophylactic and a treatment.

A number of antihistamines, including diphenhydramine, sold under label as Benadryl and found in many other OTC formulations, seem to be effective against SARS-CoV2.  This information was released in January 2021.

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So many observational data have come out since the beginning of this pandemic.  So many potential therapeutic and preventative treatments, yet so little interest on the part of medical boards and policymakers.  What’s going on here?

It’s my belief, reluctantly arrived at over more than a year, that medical and political policymakers do not have our best interest at heart.  They want the power, the glory, and the pats on their narcissistic little heads.  They want to be mommy, and daddy, and nursie, and the only adults in the entire country capable of making medical decisions for the rest of us.

Medical professionals are permitted to prescribe drugs as they see fit, even for off-label use.  They do this hoping the drugs will be effective in treating their patients and improving their conditions and lives.  Prescribing a drug or regimen that does not have specific FDA approval for a specific use is perfectly legal and done all the time.  The media, the CDC, and Dr. Fauci seem to have conflated FDA approval with the only legal means whereby drugs can be prescribed.  This is simply wrong.

So, why are health care providers not throwing the kitchen sink at this disease?  Easily answered with another question: Why are politicians setting themselves up as the chief medical officers of their jurisdictions?  Looks as if the Obamacare mentality of “we know what’s medically best for all of you” has evolved.  Now, not only can’t you pick your doctor, but your doctor can no longer provide simple, effective, and low-cost treatments for a super-powerful common cold.

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