Conflict of Interest…

Conflict of Interest… Legacy media is struggling right now. They shot themselves in the foot over the past 30 years and, since that didn’t really work, they opted for a larger bazooka over the past 5-6 years. The volume of blatant lies, the rice-paper thin propaganda and sloppy, sloppy nonsense they attempt to pass off as “journalism” by “journalist” is mind numbing. No one with an IQ over 70 believes anything these people put on a TV screen, on the internet or a billboard. When someone has to tell you…


“We Should Do Ourselves a Favor Consciously Lower Our Expectations” (Videos) – Tucker Carlson

“We Should Do Ourselves a Favor Consciously Lower Our Expectations” (Videos) – Tucker Carlson GNN Note – Yes you read that correctly – we should lower our expectations of our nation, our leadership, our quality of life and just except brokenness as the “new normal” We should except tents lining the streets and people using the sidewalk as a bathroom. We should except hookers practicing their trade on the sidewalk. We should except women being rapped by illegal border jumpers on subway trains. Drug addicts shooting dope on school grounds…


The Blind Made To See…

The Blind Made To See… Our wicked ways keep us from seeing the Truth, the Way and the Life. We are blinded by many things, many distractions the devil makes for us. We are so blind that our vision begins to flatter and we no longer see anything of value or worth. We see the sons and daughters of God as nothing more than cannon fodder, whores and tools or drug addicts, drunks, losers and a host of other devil inspired names. It doesn’t have to be this way. We…


How America Has Become a Battlefield for the Minds of Its Citizens

How America Has Become a Battlefield for the Minds of Its Citizens by DAVID LANE via Charisma News On January 9, 2021, Mark Robinson became the first African American Lieutenant Governor in North Carolina history. When we met him early this year in February, he expressed his surprise about the day-to-day life of holding elective office: “I thought I was entering into public service but found out that I had stepped into the middle of spiritual warfare.” His assessment was reinforced when secularists erupted in furious rage over some of his…


The Falling Away – A Theological Prophecy (Video)

The Falling Away – A Theological Prophecy Video by Dr David Jeremiah Perhaps little is more heartbreaking in the Christian’s life than to watch a fellow believer abandon the faith. Dr. David Jeremiah presents strategies for guarding against apostasy. See more from Dr. David Jeremiah in the description below 👇 00:00 – What is apsotasy? 02:03 – “The Falling Away – A Theological Prophecy” 28:52 – Final comment from Dr. Jeremiah


Half of Evangelicals Say Their Churches Have Reopened with No COVID Restrictions

Half of Evangelicals Say Their Churches Have Reopened with No COVID Restrictions By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire GNN Note – Our church is growing. We have had 8 new members in the last two weeks. We are not a “megachurch” or even a large church, but are not declining. / END Just shy of half of evangelical Christians — 49% — are now attending worship services in person and without any COVID-related restrictions, according to a new survey. Among the respondents who claim to “typically attend services at least once…



BIDEN SECRETLY SENDING PLANES, TRAINS AND BUSLOADS OF COVID INFECTED UNDERAGE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO AMERICAN CITIES IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins The clandestine nature of the operation raises questions about how the White House is dealing with a recent surge in unaccompanied minors. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expressed outrage at The Post’s findings, with a spokeswoman saying: “If the Biden Administration is so confident that their open-border policy is good for our country, why the secrecy?” “Why is the Biden Administration refusing…


7 Forgotten Plants The Native Americans Used For Medicine

7 Forgotten Plants The Native Americans Used For Medicine by: Steve Nubie for Off The Grid News My great-grandmother was an Ojibway Indian. They’re a tribe from Canada, and their Native American cousins were the Cherokee. She and my great grandfather were highly self-sufficient, as she often used herbs and plants from nature for a variety of reasons. There was a time in our history when nature was the pharmacy. Over generations, Native Americans discovered cures and treatments for various ailments by accident and tradition. Most herbs were used as an…