How America Has Become a Battlefield for the Minds of Its Citizens

How America Has Become a Battlefield for the Minds of Its Citizens by DAVID LANE via Charisma News

On January 9, 2021, Mark Robinson became the first African American Lieutenant Governor in North Carolina history. When we met him early this year in February, he expressed his surprise about the day-to-day life of holding elective office: “I thought I was entering into public service but found out that I had stepped into the middle of spiritual warfare.”

His assessment was reinforced when secularists erupted in furious rage over some of his remarks at the Asbury Baptist Church in Seagrove, North Carolina, in June, where he said: “There is no reason anybody, anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, or any of that filth [in public education].

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“To me, it is against the tenets of my religion. … But we do not live in a theocracy, and I do not have the right to tell anyone what they practice in their home. Teaching about those issues in public schools, however, is absolutely off limits.”

In response to what was deemed “hateful, homophobic, open discrimination, and completely unacceptable,” Robinson said: “I’m not bigoted against LGBT individuals. I’m sorry they feel contrary to the way I feel in a spiritual aspect. The issue, as it is being raised right now, I believe, is an attempt to intimidate people [of faith] into not speaking up against it being introduced into the classroom.”

What homosexuals do in the privacy of their homes is of course their own business. But times have changed. Their once libertarian stance—something to the effect of ‘please leave us alone and allow us to live our lives in the privacy of our homes’—has been replaced by a spiteful totalitarian readiness of forcing Christian bakers, photographers, florists, and retreat centers to take part in homosexual weddings, or going out of business.

On the question of what the greatest commandment in the Law is, Jesus answers that there are two. The “first and greatest,” the “greatest and most important” is “to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” [Matthew 22:37-38]

The second law is like the first, although not of equal importance: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” [Matthew 22:39]

In America’s current cultural and political climate, clamorous rhetoric prevails over sound prudence, and self-righteous sentimentality takes prideful precedence over common sense. In such a climate, one’s own outrage is readily mistaken for righteous indignation and virtue, absolving one from the necessity to think clearly.

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