Half of Evangelicals Say Their Churches Have Reopened with No COVID Restrictions

Half of Evangelicals Say Their Churches Have Reopened with No COVID Restrictions By  for Faith Wire

GNN Note – Our church is growing. We have had 8 new members in the last two weeks. We are not a “megachurch” or even a large church, but are not declining. / END

Just shy of half of evangelical Christians — 49% — are now attending worship services in person and without any COVID-related restrictions, according to a new survey.

Among the respondents who claim to “typically attend services at least once or twice a month,” a clear majority of 64% said they have gone to church in person in the past month, according to the Pew Research Center, which conducted the poll.

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“Among religious attenders, evangelical Protestants, White (non-Hispanic) Americans and Republicans are considerably more inclined than others to say their congregations should be open without pandemic-related restrictions,” stated Pew’s report on the study.

Only 6% of respondents said their places of worship are still entirely shuttered, which is down from 31% in July of last year and 17% earlier this year.

While a great deal of media attention has been paid to vaccine hesitancy among evangelical Christians, an NBC News survey from July found that 59% of white evangelicals had been fully inoculated against COVID-19.

Only 4% of evangelical Protestants told Pew “their clergy have discouraged” vaccination.

In total, 64% of Protestants in black traditions, 42% of Catholics and mainline Protestants and 21% of evangelical Protestants said their clergy are actively encouraging people to take the shots.

“More than half of U.S. congregants (54%) and nearly three-quarters of evangelical churchgoers (73%) say their clergy have not said much about COVID-19 vaccinations either way,” the report stated.

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