Evidence of Hunter & Joe Biden’s Shady Conduct Continues to Pile Up, Analyst Says

Evidence of Hunter & Joe Biden’s Shady Conduct Continues to Pile Up, Analyst Says by Ekaterina Blinova for Sputnik News

Emails found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop apparently show that he and his father, Joe Biden, shared bank accounts and paid each other’s bills, The Daily Mail reported on 12 October. The media outlet suggests that President Biden risks finding himself embroiled in an FBI investigation into his son’s finances. Should Joe be concerned?

According to the emails obtained by The Daily Mail, Hunter Biden’s business partner at consultancy Rosemont Seneca – Eric Schwerin – was working on Joe’s taxes and was well aware that the father and son paid each other’s household bills.

What’s more disturbing is that it appears Hunter’s May 2018 week-long affair with a prostitute in a Hollywood hotel was paid for from Joe’s account, according to the New York Post reporter Miranda Devine’s book “Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide.”

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After Hunter made a payment to the sex worker on 24 May 2018, retired CIA agent Robert Savage III texted him: “Come on H, this is linked to Celtic’s account. DC is calling me every 10. Let me up or come down. I can’t help if you don’t let me H.” “Celtic” was the Secret Service code name for Joe Biden.

“The emails link President Biden to his son’s accounts and indicate a commingling of funds with money coming from controversial foreign sources,” suggests a professor of public interest law at George Washington University in his blog. “The commingling of funds is the latest contraction of President Biden’s repeated claims that he was unaware and uninvolved in past dealings by his son.”

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