Govt. Deploys Stringent Mandates, Fitness Passports to Fight Obesity Pandemic

Govt. Deploys Stringent Mandates, Fitness Passports to Fight Obesity Pandemic by Aden Tate for The Organic Prepper

Obesity is no longer an epidemic. Clearly, it is now a pandemic. A wide range of adverse health consequences directly correlated with obesity includes heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Obesity is a problem that impacts not only the individual but everyone around them. Therefore the government has decided on a series of stringent mandates enforced by a Fitness Passport to make everyone healthier.

In 2008, the estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States totaled $147 billion. On average, medical expenses for obese individuals were $1429 higher than those at a healthy weight. Those additional expenses can cause a massive degree of financial strain to families who otherwise could use that money for education, healthy food, family outings, vacations, and other health-beneficial items. [source]

According to the WHO, as of 2016, 39% of the world’s adult population was overweight, with 13% of adults being obese. 

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Therefore, if we care about the health and livelihood of our friends and family, we need to do everything in our power to fight back against this deadly disease. That is why we must enforce the following series of restrictions as a nation and on a global scale.

Mandate #1: All people must stay home

Obesity is contagious via social ties. Therefore, we need to do everything to keep obese and overweight people away from everybody else.

If you truly love your parents, grandchildren, and kids, you wouldn’t want to spread the risk of obesity to them – along with all the negative health consequences which follow. Obese people must cancel family gatherings, quit work, and avoid going out in public. 

I recommend we start with this mandate for a two-week interval to see how it works. If it doesn’t, we’ll move on to other options listed below.

Mandate #2: Obese people must carry tracking devices

Should obese people violate the mandate to stay at home, they’ll have proven that they are inherently untrustworthy. Therefore, we must make stricter controls to ensure that they remain far enough away from everybody else.

We believe that tracking devices carried 24/7 on their person is the means to do such. A smartphone seems as if it would be perfect for this job. Should they learn to neutralize the smartphone tracker, we will resort to ankle monitors. 

To determine who is obese and who is not, we will use BMI testing. It doesn’t matter that BMI is notoriously inaccurate in predicting who’s genuinely overweight. That’s the method we’ll be using.

Mandate #3: The unhealthy snitch line

Citizens can do a much better job of seeing where cameras can’t. Should they catch somebody out in public sneaking a cheeseburger or engaging in some other form of unacceptable health behavior, they are encouraged to reach out to our Unhealthy Snitch Line.

Those wishing to complain can do so completely anonymously, and once received, we’ll send armed soldiers to investigate. 

Mandate #4: Grocery stores can only sell healthy foods

The government needs to have a level of power to ensure people are making the best choices possible. People have repeatedly shown that they’ll turn to health-destroying alternatives such as smoking, drugs, drunkenness, and overeating given freedom of choice.

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