Do You Hear the People Sing, Singing the Song of Angry Men?

Do You Hear the People Sing, Singing the Song of Angry Men?

I was, as the Covid lockdowns, tyrannies, and indignities progressed with nary a peep from the once proudly free populaces of the great states of the West, growing despondent.

How could free men, men whose cultural traditions are grounded in revolution, independence, and individualism, go along with such horrendous tyrannies without raising their voices, much less leveling a musket at the Redcoats? Did they not care that an authoritarian regime is treading on them?

But, now it’s over. Now the revolt against the Covid tyrants has finally begun.

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Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Now that that glorious song is stuck in your head, take a minute to look at what’s happening around the world.

In the US, workers are quitting en masse rather than go along with unconstitutional experimental vaccine mandates.

Nurses, cops, soldiers, Amtrack workers, and now even pilots are resigning their positions or unclipping their wings, quitting work earlier than they intended rather than go along with an unconstitutional science experiment.

As a result, thousands of flights have been canceled, there aren’t police to patrol the leftist communities that hate them, and hospitals are shutting down as thousands upon thousands of nurses walk out rather than comply. Huzzah!

Yet better, citizens across the United States are leaving their abodes and standing up for what is right in public! Even New Yorkers have gotten in on the action:

It’s even better across other parts of the Western world.

In France, Les Mis-like riots and street protests have rocked the cities as citizens decide to stand and fight rather than comply with tyrannical mandates. Hundreds of thousands are uniting against tyranny!

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