So Many Things We Take for Granted Change During a Crisis by J.G. Martinez for The Organic Prepper
Everything changes. People, the environment. Change is the only thing that remains constant over time. A lot of us have already passed through many changes. Crisis has been worldwide, not just localized. Our odds of survival and even thriving don’t just depend on our adaptability. They rely as well on our awareness of how much we would be willing to change. Even the little things change during a crisis.
Sometimes, change is forced upon us. Other times we willingly adapt. Let’s look at the most evident examples we, my family group, have been through to illustrate.
Weekend gatherings with family and friends
A typical social event was the weekend barbecue in my previous life, just like many others and siblings in the Western world. Maybe we indulged a little bit, as Venezuela has a cattle production story dating back almost from the Spaniard’s arrival. We are nine years short of 500 years since the founding of the first farm (hato). Fresh beef was cheap and affordable in most areas (mind you, this was before my failed bugout) back in 2003-2014.
A weekly barbecue was almost the norm. With a modest income of one salary, this was too much for us. My then-wife was not fond of red meats. But we found a middle ground. We introduced many grilled vegetables (tasty and healthier), and sometimes we opted for no red meat, except for the kids. I don’t like to be drinking weekend after weekend. My stomach is not the same anymore, and I hate a good productive Sunday going to waste because of the hangover.
Weekend excess is not something I did during my role of head of the family years. I rather preferred to arrive home from work, take a shower, and have two or three beers every couple of days while watching a movie. Typically, I could avoid drinking anything else in the next couple of weeks. Friends came up randomly, and we would collaborate. As it is everywhere, we had a good time. My coworkers resented this change the most. Once the crisis settled, the salary was no longer enough for a weekly beer crate and barbecue.
Eating habits and special treats change during a crisis
My kid was used to ice cream once every three days. The crisis forced us to be creative and prepare “ice cream-like” stuff at home. We had kiddo help with the preparation while we listened to music and chatted. We could only take him for real ice cream once every two weeks.
Maybe some foreigners are already aware of this. But, between 2015 and 2020, the majority of the population was practically forced to a beans/rice/lentils and tubercles diet (mostly tapioca) and whatever other vegetable or fruit they could find. (With logical exceptions.) However, I know firsthand this was the mandatory meal for a considerable majority of people until not so long ago. And yes, I see with my own eyes there are still some people registering garbage bags. I just stumbled upon a few days ago with a lady in her 50s opening trash bags on the sidewalk. I had to cross the street to go around the mess.
Mind you, under these sorts of regimes, those in control target the protein producers and do whatever they can to eliminate them. They somehow seem to have loosened the grip because people are now much more prone to rebel.
My personal eating habits have changed, indeed
I try to eat less beef and more green vegetables. Alcohol consumption is practically down to zero—lots of beans and fresh salads. If you are someone who enjoys sitting in front of the TV with a bag of junk food, well…I don’t know what that pleasure is since 2015. (I think.) Whenever I crave something to watch a movie, I prepare some little cornmeal balls fried, the same dough we use for arepas, but deep-fried. Tasty, not exactly healthy, but much cheaper than a pillow-sized bag of some commercial junk food. I’ve even kneaded some dough with ground cheese, and sure they’re tasty!