An Epic Struggle For Freedom Is Quietly Happening All Across America

An Epic Struggle For Freedom Is Quietly Happening All Across America by  for End of the American Dream

In very large numbers, Americans all over the country have chosen to quietly taking a stand at this critical moment in our history.  Rather than comply with tyrannical unconstitutional mandates, they are peacefully showing the entire nation what is going to happen when they are all forced out of their jobs in the not too distant future.  For example, the brave men and women that work for Southwest Airlines that have chosen to call in “sick” in recent days should be greatly applauded.  They have been willing to put their careers on the line to fight for all of our freedoms.  Of course Southwest Airlines is still trying to blame “bad weather” and “air traffic control issues” for the hundreds of canceled flights

Southwest Airlines canceled more than 350 flights Monday following a weekend of major disruptions that it blamed on bad weather and air traffic control issues. The pilots union accused the company of a botched response to what it said would have been a minor challenge for other airlines.

The third straight day of canceled and delayed flights left passengers stranded and steaming from California to the East Coast.

But everyone knows what is really going on.

Southwest employees are protesting the company’s vaccine mandate on a very large scale, and they have made this fact very obvious.

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Of course the union can’t officially acknowledge the “sickout” either, because officially acknowledging it would make it “an illegal job action”

Essentially, the union cannot organize or even acknowledge the sickout, because doing so would make it an illegal job action. Years ago, Southwest and its pilots had a rough negotiation, and the union would not even let the pilots internally discuss the possibility of working-to-rule (which would have slowed Southwest to a crawl).

But at the moment the pilots don’t even have to talk to each other about what they’re doing. The anger internally – not just among pilots but other Southwest workers – is enormous. The tough prior negotiations notwithstanding, Southwest has a history of decent labor relations, and workers believe the company should stand up for them against the mandate. Telling pilots in particular to comply or face termination has backfired.

The head of Southwest says that he is personally against mandates, but he insists that his hand was forced by the Biden administration.

But that is not true at all.

At this point, Biden’s “mandate” is simply a press release that is not legally enforceable

Some critics of Biden’s federal mandate point out it exists only in the form of a press release. They note that more than one month after the president announced private companies employing 100 or more people must ensure their employees are vaccinated, no such mandate has been sent to the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs yet for approval.

This is why none of the court challenges have moved forward yet.  Since nothing official has been issued at this juncture, there is nothing to challenge in court.

But in anticipation of Biden’s coming mandate, companies all over America are issuing ultimatums to their workers, and this is resulting in record numbers of people leaving their jobs…

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