Porn The New Tobacco (Video)

Porn The New Tobacco Video by Jack Fischer for TEDx Pornography has quietly taken the world by storm. A growing body of research is shedding light on the destructive effects that widespread consumption of porn may be having, with disturbing parallels to realizations about tobacco use a generation ago. An online community called NoFap has sprung up in response and is a rapidly growing open forum for those struggling with and speaking out against pornography, epitomizing the power of community – and the double-edged sword of technology. Sophomore Jack Fischer,…


The current global crisis stems from a rejection of God

The current global crisis stems from a rejection of God by  Joseph Farah for Life Site News When we stop believing in God and sin, man starts believing in anything – and everything. “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing – they believe in anything.” – G.K. Chesterton “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” – Judges 21:25 Have we ever seen a time like this – in America, in the world? It’s getting scary…


5 Long-Lasting Superfoods To Keep You Healthy All Winter

5 Long-Lasting Superfoods To Keep You Healthy All Winter by: Susan Patterson  for Off The Grid News Consuming seasonal superfoods – that is, foods that are nutrient-rich — strengthens your immune system so you can fight off those nagging colds and be at the top of your game no matter what life throws at you. Here are five winter superfoods that you should consider adding to your list. Even better, they will store for weeks or months: 1. Root vegetables Vegetables such as parsnips, celery, carrots, beets and turnips all grow…



ARE HOSPITALS NOW SUFFOCATING PATIENTS WITH PLASTIC BAGS? video from Natural News GNN Note – Sounds a little over the top, but not surprising. The satanic globalist hate us that much. don’t think this is possible? What if I told you people kill their own children in the womb – would you believe that? /END 0:00 Plastic Bags 27:17 Organ Transplants 33:43 Air Transport Collapse 48:46 Boeing 1:09:44 Bisexual Superman


An Epic Struggle For Freedom Is Quietly Happening All Across America

An Epic Struggle For Freedom Is Quietly Happening All Across America by Michael Snyder for End of the American Dream In very large numbers, Americans all over the country have chosen to quietly taking a stand at this critical moment in our history.  Rather than comply with tyrannical unconstitutional mandates, they are peacefully showing the entire nation what is going to happen when they are all forced out of their jobs in the not too distant future.  For example, the brave men and women that work for Southwest Airlines that have…



‘THE TRUST GAME’ Video by TruthStream Media Research and documentary duo Aaron & Melissa Dykes turn their focus to an intricate and long-winding path that connects the foundations of modern society with the rise of central banks – as the insipid but immensely influential policies of money issuance weave together the shadowy sinews of history’s most pivotal events. From colonial expansion, to the creation of the Federal Reserve, up to our volatile age of cryptocurrency and digital authorization, the contentious battleground of finance has pitted presidents and congressional representatives…