Creating A Lifestyle Of Intimacy With God Video by Leslie Crandall | Kris Vallotton
I had the privilege of sitting down for a conversation with Leslie Crandall, a Senior Leader at @Betheland the @BSSM Redding 1st year Senior Overseer. Leslie’s heart beats for intimacy with God and her passion to see others experience His presence spills out in every room she walks into. Her life is an anthem that beats to the nearness of God’s presence.
On this week’s blog she shared a brief message on developing intimacy with God that I wanted to share with you this week.
Lastly, I want to encourage you that there is nothing that can separate you from the Presence of God. God sent His Son so that you would have a perfect relationship with Him.
Are you hungry to develop intimacy with God and encounter the love of God? Leslie Crandall has a free devotional called Experiencing Intimacy Through the Word of God that provides you with an 18 minute video teaching and worksheet that unpacks how to experience intimacy with God through His word. Learn more and download your free devotional here: