BOMBSHELL: Australia’s Gladys Berejiklian was bribed, blackmailed by Big Pharma to impose covid “vaccine” mandate

BOMBSHELL: Australia’s Gladys Berejiklian was bribed, blackmailed by Big Pharma to impose covid “vaccine” mandate by:  for Natural News

The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) continues to be a cash cow for the corrupt political elite on both sides of the aisle, along with their handlers. The good news is that some of these shameless profiteers, including Gladys Berejiklian of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, are finally getting exposed for their crimes against humanity.

Berejiklian, who recently resigned from her post, was reportedly blackmailed by Big Pharma to force the “vaccines” on Aussies, otherwise the pharmaceutical drug cartels were going to charge her in a corruption probe.

Hoping to save herself from the ire of the drug kingpins, Berejiklian complied with their demands, only to eventually get outed anyway. Now, the woman has found herself in the global spotlight alongside other treasonous criminals like Tony Fauci and Francis Collins.

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Berejiklian infamous told residents of Sydney just prior to her resignation “that if they don’t take the covid jab, they face total social isolation indefinitely after the stay-at-home order ends in December.”

Clive Palmer, a former member of Australia’s parliament and the current leader of the United Australia Party, was the first to blow the lid on Berejiklian’s criminality a few weeks back. His comments are attracting fresh attention after Berejiklian was basically forced to resign in disgrace over an unrelated corruption probe.

“Palmer dropped the bomb when a jabbering journalist tried to push the NSW [New South Wales] government’s lies about 1600 ‘cases’ and that people really were dying from COVID-19 and the only way out for locked-down small businesses in NSW was for most of the population to get a double jab,” reported Cairns News.

Only 1,421 Aussies have died after testing “positive” for covid

While speaking to a reporter who told him that Sydney business owners were being told that they could not reopen their stores unless they took one of Berejiklian’s mandated double jabs, Palmer shot back by telling this person that “the premier is lying to them.”

“And I’d say that she’s under an ICAC inquiry, but a particular lobbyist in Sydney controls the Liberal Party in Sydney and told her the only way she gets out of that inquiry is if she pushes the double jab, and his clients are Astra Zeneca and his clients are Pfizer,” Palmer added.

The programmed journalist attempted the canned statement a second time, to which Palmer once again clarified that Berejiklian’s mandate held no weight and that its only purpose was to serve as an “excuse to destroy” small businesses, “and they know that.”

Keep in mind that the Fauci Flu remains virtually non-existent in Australia. In fact, it has never really been in Australia period, as there have only been 1,421 recorded deaths in people who tested “positive” for Chinese Germs.

These tests, just to reiterate, are inherently fraudulent as it is, and most of the people who die with covid have some other serious health condition, whether that be old age, obesity, or a pre-existing chronic illness.

Even so, certain parts of the country have been plunged under medical martial law in recent days, just as they were last year during the earlier “waves” of the plandemic.

The reason, of course, has nothing to do with health, and everything to do with further enriching the elite at the expense of the peons. And the ringleaders of all this seem to mostly hail from the United States, which is ground zero for the global medical police state that was birthed out of the plandemic.

“… it’s clear that most pseudo-elites pushing COVID Ritual have ulterior motives, be they power or money or both,” writes Selwyn Duke for The New American.

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