The Door of The Shepherd…

The Door of The Shepherd…

Good morning Brave Soldier of Truth. May the Light of the Lord shine through your heart to illuminate the path of those around you.

Father God, we lift Your name and the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, above all things of this world. We place Your name over our lives and ask Your guidance for our thoughts and our actions in this day. We thank You, Father God, for the mercies made new in this day. We thank You, Father God, for paying a debt, while we still sinned, You paid our debt in full. Fahter God, we can never repay this debt. Father God, as Your bondservant in Christ, we seek Your Ways, we seek Your wisdom so that Your will is bound to ours. We seek the wisdom of Christ and ask the Mind of Christ be bound to our mind. In our weakness, Father God, we ask for Your Strength, Your Power and Your Might to get us out of the valley and raise us up to the mountain top.

Father God, we sing Your praise, we shout about the joy found in You and in You alone. We ask that You go before us and teach us to be a copy of the Gospels that others may see and hear Your actions, Your Words and know that You are God. That we come to You through the door of the Shepherd who’s voice we know and who’s voice calls to us. We ask, Father God, that search our soul, soften our heart and rebuke all unclean spirits from us. Rebuke them all in the name of Jesus Christ. Search our mind, Father God, and remove all the thoughts and all the words that are not from You, Father God, and rebuke them all in the name of Jesus Christ. We open our heart to receive Your Word, our bread. We open our soul to be washed clean in the Living Water of Jesus Christ.

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So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:7-10 NASB95

Father God, lift Erik, lift him from this bed, right now! Father God, wrap him in Your glory, wrap Erik in Your love, Strengthen Erik’s bones as only You, Father God, can do. We cry out from bended knee, to release this Mighty Warrior of Faith, release him from the shackles of this illness. Fill Erik’s lungs with the Your Mighty Breathe, the Breathe of Life that comes from You and You alone. Father God, we ask that You go before Christy and lead her in love, strengthen her with Your Awesome Power. She is Your daughter, she, too, is a Brave Soldier of the Way. She, too, needs Your protection, Your Love, Your Guidance. Father God, we ask shower the care takers with Love, Light and Strength. Father God, be the hands of the care takers. Soften their hearts that they may receive Your Love. Father God, breathe over all the patience in this hospital. Let those who have not seen their family, let them know, right now, Father God, that You, You are with them, You are fighting for them. You are filling them with Your Love, with Your Power and Your Strength – touch their skin, right now, Father God and let them feel Your beautiful presence, let them see Your beautiful face. It is at Your feet we humbly sing Your praises. It is at Your feet we want to be.

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