Father, Be Every Heart Beat…
Good morning Bondservant of Christ Jesus, he that does greater works.
Father God of Living Light who’s name we place above all things of this world, above all aspects of life and above our footsteps as we follow Your Way. Father God, we sing Your praises, we thank You for sending heaven to us and providing our daily Word. Father it is Your Living Word that satisfies the soul, it is Your Living Water that quenches the thirst in our heart and it is Your Living Light that illuminates Heaven that is all around us.
Father God, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Emmanuel we bow before You as our till is empty and we are unable to repay the debt You have so merciful paid for us. We can only share what You have done for us, and what You will happily do for anyone that comes before You. Makes us a copy of the Gospels so that Your wayward sons and daughters can make it home. Make our works to be a reflection of You so that without speaking a word Your good Word is heard as shouted from a rooftop.
God in Heaven, as we turn our eye and our hands from temptation we thank You for strength and mercies renewed every morning. Transform our mind, transform our heart that we may walk in Your Ways that our mind be bound to the Mind of Christ. That Your will be bound to our will in this day and all the days to come. We bow down in awe before You, the great I Am. Father God, lead us to righteousness and we will follow.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. ~John 14:12-14 NKJB
In the name of Jesus Christ, Father, we ask a hedge of protection around Erik and his family. Father God, wrap Your loving arms around Erik. Wrap Erik in Your healing breath and fill his muscles with unending Strength. Lift Erik from this bed and place his feet on solid ground that he may take up his mat and shout of Your Mighty Power. Father God, fill Erik and Christy with the Holy Spirit as to bring Comfort and Counsel to them both. Soften Erik’s heart that he may receive Your blessings as they rain down like a monsoon. Search Erik’s mind and rebuke all unclean spirits, any word or phrase that is not from You, Father God, rebuke them all, right now, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, rebuke all unclean spirits from the room, from the hospital and from the grounds that are not from You, for You or about You, rebuke them all, now, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, be every heart beat of the care takers. Father, let every touch of the care takers be by Your hand. Let every word that proceeds from the care takers mouths be Your words, Father. Invade, invade, invade. Fill us all with Your Love. Let us all feel Your loving touch on our skin, right now, Father God, we need You. We need You right now to touch us and let us feel Your presence. As we bow before You, we raise our hands in total submission to You. We are Your sons and daughters and You are our Father.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen