COVID jabs could ‘potentially kill thousands’ of kids: former HHS epidemiologist by Dr Paul Elias Alexander for Life Site News
If Dr. Fauci of the NIAID, Dr. Walensky of the CDC, and Dr. Collins of the NIH do not want to remove liability protection, and if the vaccine developers do not offer to do this, then parents must take this as a cue that the injection is potentially dangerous.
We can potentially kill thousands, if not more, of our children if we move forward with these ‘safety untested’ COVID-19 injections.
There is real potential risk, and we have never, ever formed any other project whereby we seek to inject into people a substance that has not even gone through the minimal safety level testing.
Why must I make this stark statement, and why would regulators such as the US’s FDA and Canada’s Health Canada be considering this action when they know that the requisite safety testing has not been done?
I am not against vaccines in themselves, for they have made a tremendous beneficial impact and play a key role in the well-being and longevity of human beings. However, I am against improperly developed vaccines. Those developed for COVID-19 have been sub-optimal, and the safety testing is lacking, particularly the requisite duration of safety testing follow-up. But, for this article, my focus is on our children.
The risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 in children is almost nil (statistical zero), and this evidence has accumulated for well over a year now; in fact, we have known this for over 15 months. It is clear that children are at low risk of spreading infection to other children, or spreading it to adults, as seen in household transmission studies, and this is settled scientific global evidence. This implies that any mass injection/inoculation or even clinical trials on children are unethical and potentially associated with significant harm.
Injection (vaccine) studies have failed to ‘exclude’ harms for our children or prove their necessity, and as such we do not know what will happen if children take the injection. The injections in children offer no opportunity for benefit and only opportunity for harms based on the risk-benefit calculation that dramatically skews risk towards harms.
We don’t inject our children just because an injection was developed and Dr. Fauci (NIAID), or Dr. Walensky (CDC), or Dr. Collins (NIH) says we must take it. They have been routinely wrong in their statements and positions on most matters relating to COVID-19. Moreover, they have failed to prove their case that these injections are needed by our children. Not only must the injection be proven safe, but its necessity must also be shown in terms of risk. Neither of these ‘musts’ have been met.
Children are at low risk for serious illness or death from COVID-19
The risk-benefit discussion for children with these COVID-19 injections is very different from that for adults. Furthermore, the accumulated evidence of adverse effects and deaths (in CDC’s VAERS database for vaccine injuries) temporally linked to the injection (requiring validation) with biological plausibility (Bradford Hill criteria for causality) remains a very serious cause for concern. The fact is that this is a completely novel and experimental injection therapy with no medium or long-term safety data, or even definitive effectiveness data.