Let It Be Seen, Right Now…
Good morning Great Servant of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Father God, on bended knee and hands raised up in reverence of Your unending Love for us, we sing praise for Heaven on earth. We raise Your name above all names, above all aspects of life and above all that has been, that is today and is yet to be. You, Father God, are Lord of All, forevermore.
Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we seek not for ourselves but rather for Your will. We look to You, Father, for guidance in this day over all our activities. We follow Your footsteps and go only where the Light leads. Father God, we humbly ask our hearts to be softened that we may be Your vessel to be a reflection of Heaven here on earth. We ask strength, in the name of Jesus Christ, to be the Ambassador of Your Kingdom that others would see Your beauty coming forth in the works of our hands and every word that proceeds from our tongue. Let it be Your works, let it be Your mighty Word that others hear.
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:27-28 KJB
Heavenly Father, let Your love rain down and fill our hearts, fill our souls to the point of overflow. Let the Holy Spirit comfort and counsel us. Father God, search our minds and rebuke all unclean spirits that tell us lies, that attempt to place our feet in wrong steps. Rebuke them all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, we ask Your strength to be showered over Erik and his family. Lift them, Father, and breathe Your Life into the lungs of this Mighty Warrior of the Way, the Truth and the Life. Erik is worthy of Your beauty and Your kindness. As we give all praise, honor and glory to You Father God, we cry out for blessings over Erik. Father, place a hedge of protection around him, strength each of his muscles and lift him out of this place. Father God, soften the hearts of the care givers. Search their minds, Father God, and bind their minds with the Mind of Christ. Be their hands, Father, move, Father, move as only You can move. Make it happen, right now. Touch each member of this care team, let them know You, Father, are in charge, You Father are moving mountains and making Erik strong in love, strong in healing and strong enough to get up and walk out of this place because You, Father God have all the Power, You hold us all in Your hands. You, Father God are a loving, beautiful God that will not allow this child, Your child, to suffer another moment. Let the Light of Your Love, Father God, shine so bright that no one, not one person will be able to deny You are present. You are in charge and You intend to hold this child, Your child, in Your hands. Let it be seen, right now. Let it be known, right now, that Your love conquers all and heals all pain, heals all suffering and heals Erik’s lungs and strength his muscles to walk out of this place.
In Jesus Christ loving, beautiful name, we pray. Amen