Shouting From The Roof Tops…

Shouting From The Roof Tops…

Good morning Great Servant of God, brother and bondservant of Jesus Christ. Together we shall sing praises to our Father.

“Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. ~Matthew 6:8 NKJB

Father God, who’s name we place over our lives, above all things of this world and all things that have been, all things that are today and all things that are to come, we thank You for bringing Heaven to earth to fulfill the Prophecies and forgive our sins by the blood of Jesus Christ.

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Father God, this is a debt we can never repay and as we humbly bow before You, Father God, it is with an open mind, open eyes and open ears that we receive Your mercies made new in this day. We can not make it through the day without Your guidance, Your beauty and Your fortitude surrounding our lives. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we seek Your will, we seek Your face and Your Light to illuminate our path. Father God all praise, honor and glory are to You and we will shout from every roof top Your Holy name.

It is Your Living Water that quenches our thirst. It is the bread of Life that sustains us in all our days. We want for nothing, Father, as You have fulfilled our needs. We merely ask for grace and healing. It is by Your Word that we are healed. It is by Your Breath that we have Life – life everlasting. It is at the foot of the cross we leave all our cares, all our doubts and all our weight and pain of this world. We can no longer carry it without Your power, Your strength and Your love.

Father God, we are not worthy of Your grace, mercy and healing but we cry out with joy that You, You Father God, who see us as Your sons and daughters. You, Father God, see us as holy, perfect and loving children, naive in every way while we ask the Mind of Christ be bound to ours.

Father God, your son, Your Mighty bondservant of Christ needs Your help. Father God, Erik needs Your strength, right now. Erik needs Your breath to fill his lungs. Erik needs Your Living Water to strength his muscles. Erik needs Your Healing touch, on his skin, right now, Father God, we boldly come before You seeking Your Strength, Your Power and Your Loving Touch, right now, Father God, make it happen, make it so, do it now! Touch Erik, touch his family and heal the pain. Raise Erik from that bed and let him go home. Send him out to the farm to care for Your children, Your sons and daughters and guide Your flock. Father, Your will is what we seek. We boldly ask that Your will align with ours. We shout praise from the roof top in Your Holy name and Your great Healing Power. Let it be so in this day, the day the Lord made.

In Jesus Christ Loving name we pray. Amen

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