Only a false Christ would ban healthy unvaccinated people from churches

Only a false Christ would ban healthy unvaccinated people from churches

“Come to me, all you that labor, and are burdened, and I will refresh you,” said the Lord as recorded in Matthew 11:28. Note that He didn’t say, “Only come if you’ve been vaccinated.” Our Lord went even to the lepers. And yet, healthy people who don’t want the abortion-tainted so-called “vaccine” are being banned from churches, by the government and saddest of all by church leaders themselves.

(Article by John-Henry Westen republished from

There are definite lines being drawn in the proverbial sand, and in general — with notable exceptions. Lines of orthodoxy versus liberal and modernist approaches to the faith. I share with you my thoughts on this in the latest episode of The John-Henry Westen Show.

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Last week, news spread across the world about a tiny Canadian Catholic diocese in Eastern Canada. Archbishop Valery Vienneau of Moncton, New Brunswick, decreed that anyone over 12 who attends a religious gathering in a church in his archdiocese “must be doubly vaccinated” against COVID-19.   

In a letter to Catholics of the Moncton Archdiocese, Vienneau wrote that “beginning Wednesday September 22nd, at any gathering inside our churches, rectories or community centres under our supervision, those present must be doubly vaccinated.”

The archbishop stipulated that such gatherings include “religious celebrations (Sunday and weekly masses, prayer meetings, baptisms, weddings and funerals, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, First Communion), parish and pastoral meetings, catechesis meetings, management meetings, conferences, workshops, fraternal and social meetings, bingos, card games, etc.”

Vienneau qualified that children under 12 are not required to take the jab to participate because they “cannot currently be vaccinated” against the virus. 

Of course, Catholics normally have the obligation to attend Mass in person every Sunday and, in Canada, at Christmas and on New Year’s Day, unless they are ill, caring for a sick child, or are physically impeded from traveling to Mass.

Not fulfilling that obligation is considered a serious sin, and participating at Mass is considered central to the spiritual life of the faithful Catholic. Even Catholics who have incurred excommunication and thus cannot receive the sacraments are encouraged to take part in Sunday worship. That means all the pro-abortion politicians and others living in serious sin. 

The bishop attempted to excuse his banning of “unvaccinated” Catholics from Mass by recounting a meeting that New Brunswick’s Minister of Health Dorothy Shephard had with religious leaders in the province. However, there is no provincial mandate for proof of vaccination at religious gatherings. 

Days later, that vaccine mandate in Moncton diocese was overturned. And it is not clear exactly what caused the walk back but there was surely massive pressure.

On September 24, Archbishop Vienneau updated guidelines published just days earlier. Two days after the ban was implemented, it was partially rescinded. The new measures, agreed on by the four bishops of the province, now state that “no proof of vaccination will be required” for attendance at most church services, including Masses and baptisms, but that access to weddings and funerals will still be restricted to those who have taken an experimental COVID shot. 

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