Prophetic Preparation for the Year Ahead

Prophetic Preparation for the Year Ahead by CURT LANDRY for Charisma News

Going into the new biblical year 5782, we need to have a spiritual warfare strategy to hold back the antichrist spirit trying to steal our freedoms.

This year, there are three places we could be standing:

1. On God’s side

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2. Against God

3. On the side of indecisiveness

However, there is only one place to stand that will position us to receive the revelation we need in this new year and that is on God’s side. We need to align ourselves with God in this hour.

A Breakdown of the Biblical Year 5782

As mentioned, we are now in the year Hebrew year 5782. But what does that mean? In Hebrew, numbers are associated with letters and have great significance.

The number 5 is associated with the letter “hey” and means grace. This year, we need grace for revelation.

The number 7 is associated with the letter “zayin” and can mean weapon. It contains the root word “zan,” which means food. So then, zayin can nourish and multiply. It can also intensify, such as in a battle. For this year, zayin will multiply and intensify the grace and revelation we need in order to battle the ungodly spirits that are trying to steal our liberties.

The number 8 is associated with the letter “chet” and means living waters and new beginnings. I believe the Lord will release out of heaven living waters of new beginnings in the year 5782.

The number 2 is associated with the letter “bet” and represents a house or tent. God’s strength will be in your house.

The Prophetic Significance of 5782

So then, the prophetic significance of 5782 is this:

We need the grace of God to be intensified and multiplied. We need grace for life and revelation to see the new beginnings of living waters. The Lord will strengthen our homes.

In Hebrew, we read from right to left so God is speaking this word:

“I am the Lord of your house. I am the author and finisher of your faith and your home. I want to strengthen your house. I want to open the wells of living water inside of you, which is the revelation of the Lord. I’m going to perfect grace and multiply it. I’m going to give you grace and favor to bring revelation to the nations because the nations are your inheritance.”

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