“God Whispered To My Spirit”

“God Whispered To My Spirit”

This is the email I just received with an update about Erik. Please pray and don’t stop until he is healed and back home.

Oh what a wonderful great prayer warriors you are please don’t stop.
11 days ago Erik’s breathing severely declined and they called me to the hospital to say good bye. On the way there I was praying and God whispered to my spirit “my darling daughter I am the God of miracles. You are waking into a fire but know I am here with you. I still have plans for you both” When I got to the hospital Erik was literally dying before my eyes. The nurse in me looked at everything and thought there is no way he’s going to make it. But I choose to stand on what God said to me.
These past days have had progress and setbacks. Erik currently has a tracheostomy and on a ventilator and his kidneys are barely functioning They stopped sedation today so he should be waking up within the next 3days.

I feel God’s presence. I see him working on the hearts of the nurses and doctors in ICU. They have seen so much loss recently, they were discouraged and forgot that we have a God that heals. I have been given the opportunity to pray over and with people I would have never met otherwise.

Good morning Mighty Man of Honor and Goodness.

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it ~Psalms 118:24 NKJB

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Father God of Living Light we are humbled by the good news. Father, You have been faithful in hearing our cries, our pleas and felt the love we share with Your son, Your humble servant. Almighty God let heaven reign on earth, let Your strength and beauty be seen, be known and be felt throughout the land. Don’t hold back, Father, let Your goodness rain down.

Father God we humbly bow before You giving You all praise, honor and glory and with hands raised we thank You, Father God, for renewing our mercies everyday. We thank You, Father God, for transforming our mind and binding our mind with the Mind of Christ. It is Your will, Father, that guides our path. It is Your will, Father, not our, that direct our activities. It is Your will, Father, that guides our thoughts and points us to You.

and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. ~Ephesians 4:23-24 NASB95

Almighty God, Father in Heaven, we humbly ask, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, walk before Erik, lift Erik, strengthen Erik. Breathe Your life on him, into him and around him. Father God, we cry out for Your Power and mercy to fill Erik’s muscles, to fill Erik’s lungs, to shower his life, right now, Father God, with Your love for Your children. Love Erik, and the entire Dattwyler family, Father, lift each one. Wrap Your loving arms around them, speak to their Spirit, Father, laugh with them to drive out the enemy and go before them, Father God, so there is no doubt You are present. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we humbly ask that You bring Erik home. Father God, let Your will continue Erik’s Ambassadorship here in this world. Let him walk among Your sons and daughters to share the Gospel, shine Your Light and continue to be a beacon of hope and love to our community. We need him, Father God. We need his inspired laugh, his inspired speech and his inspired conversation. Let this Mighty, Valiant Warrior of Truth rise and be made whole in this world to stand firm in Your Word to be a living copy of the Holy Bible for others to see.

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. ~Ephesians 4:32 NASB95

In Jesus Christ loving name we pray. Amen

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