Crisis Actors…When You Need A Lie to Become Truth

Crisis Actors…When You Need A Lie to Become Truth

Crisis actors began showing up, in earnest, where we could actually see them for who and what they are, during one of the staged “terror attacks” in London. The whole thing was a set up from the police conducting an exercise to the real explosion that killed real people to having crisis actors on scene to provide the color commentary. Ads started showing up on Craig’s List and other platforms for protestors, staged exercises “so medical personal could train with real people” and a wide variety of other activities were showing up across the country.

The most notorious was the Newtown, Sandy Hook, school shooting. This was done so poorly, the crisis actors were so bad – you will see several of them in the video below, including the “doctor Palmer” reporting from the scene, who morphs into the father of the “victims” – the story had to be disappeared fairly quickly and never, ever mentioned again among mass shootings. This was so bad the school was, like the Twin Towers, erased from the planet – no evidence, no crime scene, no video tape, no anything left – just a patch of green grass with a placard. You know, just like they handled the Twin Towers – instead of preserving the crime scene and as much of the wreckage as possible to conduct an investigation, all the debris was carted off and dumped in the ocean and all the steel was shipped to China for recycling. This was done to “help with the healing of the nation.” Never mind destroying evidence of the worlds largest crime scene.

Not sure how or why this was made but here it is. The crisis actor with lots of air time… Ladies and gentlemen…Sandy Hook doctor and father.

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We have been telling you for more than a year these filthy, satanic-globalist hate you, your family and will do or say anything to control your life. If this doesn’t awaken you, and the world, to the reality of what is happening with the Wuhan bat-flu stew, well, you’re beyond hope, you’re beyond prayer – “do not cast your pearls before swine”. We wish all the best.

This is one of the results of the policies the above agent of satan made possible.

Now back to our regularly scheduled awakening of the Lions and Giant Slayers…

As the liberals continue to flee the cesspools they created around the country they continually flock to Tennessee. They flee the nightmare – THEY THEMSELVES CREATED – and forget to stop doing what they were doing before. If you don’t know how to check your liberalism, “progressive” nonsense at the border – we don’t want you here. We don’t need you here, destroying what we created. If you want to move to CONSERVATIVE Tennessee you are welcome. If you come screaming about your pronouns, defund the police, Antifa, LGBT+P for pedophilia, abortion, CRT and ‘gender fluidity’ keep going. If you do not bow before God, but take a knee against this country, Tennessee is probably not the place for you.

Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH each one of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another. Be ANGRY, and yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need. ~Ephesians 4:25-28 NASB95

If you sound like, think like or support what this woman is saying – please don’t move to Tennessee and if you do live here, please leave immediately. – WE. DO NOT. WANT. YOU. HERE.

On a lighter note – this dog knows how to negotiate!!

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