Water Distiller: An Urban Survival Essential Item

Water Distiller: An Urban Survival Essential Item by MISTY ANDERSON for Ready Nutrition

Having a water distiller in the home is a huge benefit for cooking and drinking, and it is a must-have item for urban survival.

Having a water distiller in the home is a huge benefit for cooking and drinking, and it is a must-have item for urban survival. A simple description of how a distiller works is that it boils water in order to capture steam, it cools the droplets, and then turns the droplets into purified water – all impurities are left behind.

Coastal Texas has had multiple emergencies this year that either required a boil-water notice or could have. The first event of the year was during January’s freeze. In Southern Texas, it normally does not freeze like it did this year catching many off guard. I have never worried about the water supply until then. Water is essential to life; it isn’t something anyone can afford to be without. As a result, my husband decided to purchase the Megahome Distiller 943T for our home.

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The product comes with the following items:

  • Top
  • Glass bottle accessory kit
  • Distiller body
  • Six activated charcoal sachets
  • Citric acid for cleaning
  • Power cord

The Megahome distiller can distill any water except for seawater. After following the cleaning instructions prior to first use, my husband decided to distill water from the filtered refrigerator water dispenser. He expected for the water to be somewhat clean because of its prior filtered state. That is not what the outcome was. After running the filtered water through the distiller, this is what was left behind.

After two cycles of filtered water:

After four cycles of filtered water:

Not only was it dirty, but the residue had a strong unexpected odor. After, my husband ran regular tap water through the distiller, the result was even worse.

The Verdict

My husband I give the Megahome Distiller 943T a 4.5 rating. It is more expensive than other water distillers on the market and it takes about six hours to run a cycle for 4 liters of water. However, the distilled water tastes great. As a family unit, we no longer have faith in the local water system or the filtered water from the refrigerator. We also recommend at least rinsing it in between each cycle because there is a lot of residues left behind depending upon the water source used.

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