Green energy failure in Europe doesn’t stop Biden from promoting green ‘catastrophe’ in US

Green energy failure in Europe doesn’t stop Biden from promoting green ‘catastrophe’ in US by Monica Showalter for Life Site News

Calamity after calamity hits these greenie leftists in the face and they still have no intention of recognizing that green energy is a second-rate scam utterly unfit for a first world economy or standard of living.

Greenie energy has been vaunted by politicians such as President Obama, Joe Biden, and virtually every European politician in power as progress itself, the way forward, the wave of the future. Anyone who’s got problems with it, as Obama smarmily assured, is “stuck in the past.

Turns out that’s crap. After going green and shutting down its coal, fossil fuel, fracking, and nuclear energy production, and feeling mighty virtuous for doing it, Europe is now going cold – freezing cold. The region faces a very bad winter ahead with energy shortages across the board. Seems green energy can do everything to make a lefty European feel good except produce the actual energy.

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So, courtesy of the phony prophets of greenie virtue, Europeans are going without, even as Joe Biden is doing his darndest to take America down that cliff.

In an excellent signed piece by Wall Street Journal editorial writer Allysia Finley, she described the scope of the crisis:

…the U.K. and Germany have banned hydraulic fracturing, letting their rich gas shale resources go to waste. Meantime, the Netherlands is shutting down Europe’s biggest gas field.

In short, all of Europe’s green chickens are coming home to roost. Several U.K. retail electricity providers have collapsed in recent weeks because of the surging price of gas. Energy experts warn that some German power suppliers are in danger of going insolvent. Germany’s electricity prices, which were already the highest in Europe because of heavy reliance on renewables, have more than doubled since February.

Skyrocketing power prices have caused U.K steel makers to suspend production. A former energy adviser to the U.K. government warned last week that the country’s energy shortage this winter could prompt a “three-day working week” — a reference to the coal and rail worker strike in 1974 that caused the government to ration energy for commercial users.

The European Steel Association has warned that the Continent’s producers are becoming globally uncompetitive. Fertilizer producers, which use gas as a feedstock, are raising a fuss.

It’s not just about staying warm and being able to turn the stove on. Steel production? Like, what Germany uses to make those nice cars they make? Bye-bye. Fertilizer production? Like what’s used in agriculture, you know, to grow food? Well, go without, do the Somalia thing and feel the fourth world. Carbon dioxide production? Sorry, Germany, no beer.

It’s bad. Take a look:

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