Prophetic Outlook 5782/2022 by BILL AND CARA NORDEEN for Charisma News
In these end times, more than ever we should be seeking the Lord for direction and watching with the Lord in Spirit and in truth, as Bible prophecy unfolds before our eyes. We will give a brief glimpse of what we feel the Lord is revealing about what is on the horizon.
This new year seems to be strongly pointing to a time when God will be marking those with His seal as in Ezekiel 9:3-4, 9, referring the angel dressed with linen with a writer’s inkhorn in his hand. He will mark those that have the truth in them, and sigh and cry for all the abominations that are being done in the earth. For God’s people, it is so important to turn back to their first love and pray for the nations to turn back to their original purposes and put Him first. Judgment is coming and it will begin at the house of the Lord. We are in a time of completion and a summing-up. Those that bare His seal, His mark, will be protected from the coming destruction. The Lord is saying, “Awake, My bride, come out of Your slumber.”
Stir up in yourself your most holy faith and arise as an eagle that stirs up its nest. It is the time to pray and watch in the Spirit of the Lord. We will behold every prophecy with our eyes as it unfolds before us. God breathed revelation and light will be received by those that are seeking Him. The breath of God will also sustain us and give us strength, but we must contend for supernatural peace and put on the full armor of God, understanding that the sandals of peace are not regular sandals! They are as those of the Romans soldiers, with spikes on the bottoms to allow the soldiers to dig in and be sure-footed with the ability to press forward. This is what God is calling His church to do.
Just like Abraham and Sarah’s story, there was a moment in time that Abram and Sarai became Abraham and Sarah. They went from being just any other man and woman to becoming, “The Man and The Woman” that would bring forth God’s purposes in the earth. There will be a grace on our lives like we’ve not experienced and the work of the fivefold ministry will seem weightless and effortless due to His glory!