Is Inactivity Destroying our Society as We Know it?

Is Inactivity Destroying our Society as We Know it? by Andre Evans for Natural Society

Are you increasing your risk of death by living a sedentary lifestyle? In our society, the physical labors are sometimes greatly diminished due to the psychologically and emotionally demanding lives we lead. This emotionally and psychologically demanding lifestyle, however, seems to be increasing the risk for adverse health risks. Many studies have been conducted on the nature of inactivity and the effects on health as a result. Those who move less, do less, and walk less are all more likely to have more health difficulties, and ultimately shorten their lifespan. Simply put, if you’re not moving, then you’re not living!

The Benefits of Exercise are Endless

The high time constraints of our daily routines pooled with the distinctive lack of physical exertion in them, as well as the nature of mindless inactive leisure through television or otherwise, has all come together to produce a challenge to our health and wellness that no other society has ever seen. Undoubtedly, this change in lifestyle has led in part to pervasive obesity, accelerated aging, and a generally lower level of functionality within our society.

A report released in 2009 from the Centers for Disease Control showed that 50% of men and 60% of women did not engage in vigorous leisure-time physical activity lasting for more than 10 minutes when participating in exercise. The percentage of inactive adults increased with the frequency of exercise, meaning even less people conducted exercise multiple times on a consistent weekly basis. These percentages only add to the levels of nation-wide inactivity.

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What are these people missing out on? How can it be that a majority of people choose not to commit time to physical fitness when the benefits of exercise have been strongly vindicated? Consistent and regular exercise has been shown to do everything from increase your brain function, promote healthy joints, lower blood pressure, reduce risk for a host of diseases, strengthen bones, relieve chronic pain, combat depression, prevent cancer, and slow aging. The health benefits of exercise alone, especially when done consistently, can weed out a number of growing health concerns, and serve as a preventative measure against all forms of unwellness.

Physical Activity is the Simple Solution to Inactivity

The fact of the matter is that many people are habitually opposed to exercise simply due to the demanding nature of modern society coupled with the need to be psychologically or emotionally sated after soul draining labor. It’s easy to turn to simpler distractions like watching sports or video games, but these diversions only serve to perpetuate the cycle of being unhealthy and unfulfilled. There is a deep-set psychological need for humans to subject their bodies to healthy strain and exertion, but that need is not being met and the many benefits of exercise simply are not being taken advantage of.

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