Let Them Destroy Each Other by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
There’s something so satisfying about seeing liberals in a sissy slap fight with other liberals – you just want to grab up a bowl of popcorn, pop some frosty brews, and egg them on. The good news is that there’s going to be more of this coming because of the nature of the Democrat coalition – it is less an ideological alliance than a bunch of interest groups united by their shared perception that the GOP is against what is in their respective interests. When their interests collide, which they will necessarily do, then the fun begins.
Look at Washington, where the caucus kept in line by the Scat Francisco dominatrix is falling apart before our eyes. Remember Bart Stupak? No, he’s not some Reno Buick dealer. He’s nobody anymore, and he’s nobody anymore because he listened to Nancy Pelosi a bit over a decade ago and voted for Obamacare even though his congressional district was not down with the sickness. As a result, in 2010, the Republicans took the socialized medicine votes of “moderate” Dems like Bart Stupak and used them as an electoral suppository. And, not to carry the analogy too far, dozens of moderate Democrats like Bart Stupak were expelled from Congress in figuratively Swalwellian/Nadlarian glory.
No one wants to be 2022’s Bart Stupak, but the inexplicably rich Speaker is still trying to get the nervous swing district Dems to dive on the grenade and vote for the trillions in spending that nobody in their purple districts wants. Safely ensconced in her commie hellhole by the Bay, she’s perfectly willing to let these blue dogs fight to the last drop of their blue blood for her pinko priorities. But this time, they don’t seem quite as willing to commit ritual suicide so the brother-marrying progs don’t have a meltdown as the Stupakers were in 2009.
This means Joe Biden is at grave risk of seeing his entire agenda go down at flames. This does not mean that he is at grave risk of realizing that what he is seeing is his entire agenda going down in flames because he is manifestly senile, but that’s another column.