Immunization expert warns that vaccinated people are the real threat, “dangerous” to others

Immunization expert warns that vaccinated people are the real threat, “dangerous” to others By  for Vaccines

Perhaps the biggest Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) threat right now are people who took the “vaccines,” suggests Prof. Christian Perronne, a former head at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization.

Perronne warned in a recent speech that “fully vaccinated” people must quarantine over the winter months or else risk becoming seriously ill or even dying, now that their immune systems have been permanently altered with experimental gene therapy.

A specialist in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases, Perronne says the situation in Israel and the United Kingdom, two of the most highly vaccinated countries in the world, is deteriorating rapidly. The same is expected to occur here in the United States as well.

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“Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others,” Perronne is quoted as saying.

“It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in U.K. also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

A working group in France is said to be “utterly panicked” about the situation and not sure what to do to address it. Most of the people getting sick after testing “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are people who took the jabs, which is not what we were all told would happen as part of “Operation Warp Speed.”

“95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations,” announced an Israeli doctor by the name of Kobi Haviv during a segment on Channel 13 News.

“We are opening more and more covid branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”

If the effectiveness of covid vaccines is “disappearing,” then why the aggressive push for more of them?

It is not as though any of this is breaking news. We have been warning for months that Fauci Flu shots are spreading the variants, not stopping them.

Why, then, is the Biden regime basically threatening Americans to roll up their sleeves, or else? Does China Joe want more people to get sick and die, which will commence another round of shots causing more sickness and death, and so on for the rest of time?

At this point, it should be painfully obvious even to those who buy into the Branch Covidian rhetoric that something is really wrong with the narrative. Experts in immunology have also been warning for many months now that administering vaccines during a pandemic, even with good intentions, is not a good idea.

It would appear as though the goal is not to stamp out the scourge but to continue fueling it with more and more injections. Meanwhile, sick patients with vaccine-induced illnesses are unable to access remedies like ivermectin that could actually help them.

“If you stock up with ivermectin and boost your immune system with vitamin D and start taking ivermectin immediately after symptoms appear (i.e., fever), your odds of survival approach 100 percent,” wrote one commenter at America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS).

“I got 100 12 mg ivermectin tablets from India for $170 including shipping. The recommended dosage is 24 mg for five days or sooner if fever subsides, so my cost to get to 100 percent is $17. And the beauty is: NONE of that $17 goes to Pfizer.”

“To say nothing about the four billion doses of ivermectin given in Africa and elsewhere, with statistically zero side effects, is a travesty,” wrote another. “Biden et al. are sociopaths: if they had an ounce of genuine care for the health of people they would say, ‘you do whatever you think is best for your health after taking proper advice.’”

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