How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide from Life Site News Staff
Here is a comprehensive list of resources, including sample exemption letters, for Americans seeking relief from forced coronavirus injections.
Americans in many different fields of work are suddenly having to choose between taking an abortion-tainted, poorly tested, and dangerous coronavirus injection or being fired from their jobs. Students are also having their educational opportunities denied without proof of COVID-19 vaccination. As many conservative commentators on Twitter are pointing out, over the course of 18 months, “15 days to slow the spread” turned into “two shots to feed your family.”
President Joe Biden’s September 9 announcement, that all employers with over 100 employees will soon be required to force those employees to receive coronavirus injections or submit to weekly testing, will impact an estimated 80 million Americans. The edict is stricter for federal employees and contractors, and healthcare workers at facilities that receive Medicaid or Medicare: they must submit to the vaccine and there is no testing opt-out option. It does appear that religious and medical exemptions will be accepted by the government.
Most of the below exemption resources can be used by physicians, nurses, students, or employees of any company. Most are not specific to any field. Read this resource carefully and fully to determine the best letter for your situation. Obtaining an exemption is not overly complicated.
Notice to readers: If you are aware of any additional resources that have been missed in this document, please click here and choose “Submit a News Tip” to send your information. This document will be updated as additional information is received and verified. Obviously, nothing in this article is meant to constitute legal advice.
The exception to the above note about the ease with which exemptions can be obtained is the military.
Here is what Children of God for Life says about military vaccine exemptions:
Military personnel in active duty may or may not be allowed an exemption depending on permission granted by the Commanding Officer. (Read the story of one US Coast Guard officer who fought and won.) However, military dependents are allowed religious exemptions. Click here to access the Military Dependent Children Vaccine waiver form.
Military matters are further complicated because active-duty military personnel essentially give up some of their basic rights upon joining the armed forces. The military even has its own legal system through which members can be court-martialed. “The application of military law to members of the military reflects a recognition that such individuals are subject to different duties and expectations than civilian citizens,” Justia explains.
This is the only sample language for requesting a religious accommodation or exemption for members of the military of which LifeSiteNews is aware.
Service members should also carefully read this primer from Children’s Health Defense on religious liberty and vaccine exemptions in the military.
Biden’s mandate that all employers with over 100 workers force their employees to be injected will impact every diocese and likely almost every Catholic university in the U.S. How strictly the vaccine will be forced upon priests and laity employed by Catholic institutions will depend on how far left the diocese or school is. Catholics who can’t get a medical exemption may well need to find another job. Priests are in a particularly difficult situation. Priests can contact LifeSiteNews or attempt to use one of the below resources if they are trying to avoid being jabbed.