3 Steps for Sharing the Gospel by Nick Hall for Christian News Journal
Over the years, I’ve met a lot of Christians who say things like, “I’m not one of those Christians who talks about Jesus.” Maybe this is even where you’re at right now. Many Christians tend to think to themselves, “I’m just going to live a good life. People will see that I am different, and they’ll want to know why.”
I get it. Sometimes we don’t feel like getting out of our comfort zones and finding a way to turn a conversation about a work project or a basketball game into a sermon. Maybe we’re concerned about it coming across as forced or awkward. Or maybe we just already know the person isn’t going to want to hear it. Whatever the case, it can be tempting to believe our actions are going to preach a better Gospel than our words.
The problem with that type of Christianity is that it’s just not in the Bible. Very rarely, if ever, do people come along and actually ask us why we’re different. You see, the Bible says that we need to declare the good news. We simply can’t do this if we aren’t willing to use our voice.
In Mark 16:15 (ESV), Jesus instructs the disciples, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
Our mission is clearly outlined by Scripture, proclaim the Gospel. How then do we begin living this out in our day-to-day lives with the people around us? There are a lot of approaches we could take, but I think it really comes down to three simple steps: boldly bring Jesus into the conversation, actively listen to others, and pray for them continually.
Be bold about Jesus
One of the most beautiful things about walking with Jesus is that we have an opportunity to invite him into our conversations and relationships. Being a child of God doesn’t just impact our inner-lives, it impacts every aspect of our lives! We are saved so that our lives can have eternal purpose and we can be sent out to proclaim the Gospel.
So in your relationships with your family, friends and acquaintances, how is God giving you opportunities to share his love? Have you seen God soften hearts or open doors? I want to encourage you—it’s a process, and you’re not going to get everything right, but the goal is to continue taking steps of faith in our everyday, ordinary conversations.