Young Man – Second Vaccine Videos
— truth3rb0t 🎠(@trutherbotnet) September 22, 2021
Part 2 of 4
Here is his original video that is now removed— Nashville Angela (@Angelasfreenews) September 21, 2021
4 of 4
Local news forced to report after story went viral— Nashville Angela (@Angelasfreenews) September 21, 2021
When do we start listening to this guy instead of the people continually pushing a killer drug on us and our family?
— Bojomomma22 (@bojomomma22) September 21, 2021
Instead of listening to people that actually have a heart…most people are listening to this satanic-globalist or one her type, you know the brilliant people.
The fact that someone in the position this woman is in should terrify most people. The sad part is, most people don’t know her name nor what her position is and why this video is terrifying.
Fill agencies with those who have "Pledged allegiance to the NEW World Order"!!!
— Michael Goyer (@michaeltg) September 22, 2021
Instead of listening to people that actually have our best interest at heart like this man…
Ron DeSantis just made Dr. Ladapo the new Surgeon General in Florida. Watch this and you’ll wish he was in charge of COVID policy for the United States.
"Florida will completely reject fear as a way of making policies"
This is the Doctor America needs!
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) September 22, 2021
Maybe if we began listening to people that actually care about us instead of listening to people, like Lori Lightfoot, that hate us to the core of our being, maybe, just maybe what this young lady has to say would actually mean something. The sad part – most people have no idea what she is talking about – just rattling off numbers.
This is terrifying.
— American Girl 🔥 (@Yolo304741) September 20, 2021