Thousands of Fetal Deaths and Injuries Now Reported Following COVID-19 Injections of Pregnant Women

Thousands of Fetal Deaths and Injuries Now Reported Following COVID-19 Injections of Pregnant Women by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News

There have now been 1,614 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) as of 9/10/2021. (Source.)

Everyone acknowledges and agrees that VAERS is vastly under-reported, but now we have an expert analysis on just how under-reported adverse events are from Dr. Jessica Rose. Her conservative estimate based on a careful analysis of the data is that the events recorded in VAERS need to be multiplied by X41.

That would mean that a conservative estimate of the true numbers of fetal deaths would be 66,174 when their mothers are injected with a COVID-19 shot.

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Besides the fetal deaths, we also know there are 96 recorded cases where a breastfed child was injured after the nursing mother took a COVID-19 shot. (Source.)

Again, if we multiply that number by X41, a conservative estimate would be about 3,936 adverse events in infants being breastfed when their mothers are injected.

Two of those resulted in the breastfed infant dying after the nursing mother was injected.

VAERS report ID 1532154 was apparently filed by the mother, a 36-year-old woman from New Mexico:

On July 17, my baby passed away.

I had been breastfeeding my 6 week old baby at the time that I received the first Pfizer vaccine on June 4, 2021.

He became very sick with a high fever about 2 weeks after I got the first Pfizer vaccine on June 21. He was treated for 2 weeks with IV antibiotics for a supposed bacterial infection.

However, they never found any specific bacteria, and called his diagnosis culture-negative sepsis. At the end of his hospital stay he tested positive for rhinovirus.

After the 14 day course of antibiotics, he was home for one week, but exhibited strange symptoms (e.g. swollen eyelid, strange rashes, vomiting).

I took him back to the hospital on July 15, where he presented with what they called an atypical Kawasaki disease.

He passed away shortly thereafter from clots in his severely inflamed arteries.

I am curious if the spike protein could have gone through the breast milk and caused an inflammatory response in my child.

They say Kawasaki disease presents very similarly to the Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in children that they are seeing in post Covid infections. (My baby also had unusual birth circumstances, as he was born at 37 weeks, triggered by a maternal appendicitis.)

However, if they know that antibodies go through the breastmilk as a good thing, then why wouldn”t the spike protein also go through the breastmilk and potentially cause problems. (Source.)

The other breastfeeding infant death is VAERS case 1166062 which lists Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura as one of the symptoms. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura is a rare blood disorder in which blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body.

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