Meanwhile in Australia…
The global uprising is gaining a foothold in several countries, but none so much as Australia. With the leadership, as we continue to document, has lost their collective mind and have been treating the citizens like livestock, the citizens have reached a breaking point. The citizens are beginning to rise up in earnest. This same spirit will be making it’s way through other countries in short order. As you are probably aware, and we know the criminals in charge most certainly aware, once people start a movement, any movement, it very rapidly moves freely into fertile ground. That fertile ground already exist in a great many countries.
Remember…it’s for your health and safety.
This is NOT how you fight an invisible virus.
This is how you tear apart the social fabric.
— David Thunder (@davidjthunder) September 21, 2021
It is officially a live war.
— World Alternative Media (@WorldAltMedia) September 21, 2021
They’re being warned.
— Paul Dowsley (@paul_dowsley) September 21, 2021
Happening now in Melbourne:
Thousands of workers march through the city after the state government suddenly outlawed all construction work last night.
— 🌞 Sol Ω Brah 🌞 (@SolBrah) September 21, 2021
The situation in Australia is deteriorating quickly. This tweet is from today while the tweets above are from yesterday. The Australian Army, or a group of mercenaries like BlackWater, have been deployed against the citizens.
Army have now been deployed in Melbourne on its own citizens!!!
🤬🤬🤬— Chrissy 🌸 🌸🇬🇧 🇺🇸 (@Chrissy_2697) September 22, 2021
These are the people that started this whole mess. These are the people that will be tracked like animals. These are the people we should never forget who they are and what they have done. There are others that belong on the list, but this handful of evil satanic-globalist are specific to jump-starting the global shutdowns, the global vaccine passports and global tyranny we are witnessing everywhere. Never forget they have been fueled by global entities like the Federal Reserve Bank, the IMF, WHO and UN. There are plenty of other satanic-global institutions but these are some that most people can recognize. Their names are becoming famous, but I’m not sure that’s a good thing.
The “utopia” of WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution.#VaccinePassports/Digital ID/Wallet for 24/7 surveillance from cradle to grave: where/what you eat, buy, travel, exercise, medical records, internet search & social media history – all analysed for social scoring.
Yes or No?
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) September 21, 2021
Don’t forget it was Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation that have pushed and pushed for these deadly vaccines to be foisted upon the people – world wide. The Gates Foundation is just another satanic-global institution put into place to control and kill people. Some people, in the right position, are beginning to awaken to just how evil the institution, and its founder, have become to the human populace of the world.
Are you thinking ..?
Bill & Melinda Gates are getting a divorce but the bigger news is what their “Foundation” is being accused of around the world. The American Media doesn’t cover this but the Italian Parliament addressed this recently. Let’s watch:— MOTIVATION724 (@Motivation724) June 20, 2021
If people are simply to lazy to do their job, how can we expect those same people to care about something that may be important? We can’t. If people aren’t paying attention to what is happening in their own house, how can we expect them to care for something happening in our house? We can’t.
It is people like the Chief, sited below, that cause more problems than they are worth. Fire him, immediately, and find someone that cares. It shouldn’t be than difficult.
Be sure to listen to the end for the truth to be revealed.
I’ve been warning you about these sign language interpreters
— Patrick Talibman 🌲🌲🌲 (@patrickbasedmn) September 20, 2021
This is what is needed. People in positions of authority that are willing to stand up, do their job, properly, and represent the people of their district. We need leaders in positions of leadership. We the people must stop supporting these evil, vile people that only care about themselves, care about stealing our wealth and controlling our future. They must go, one way or another. At this point it doesn’t matter to me how they go, but they must go and be replaced with people like Marjorie Taylor Greene
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files additional Articles of Impeachment against President Joe Biden
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 20, 2021