Is the Biggest Problem in the American Church Love of Country?

Is the Biggest Problem in the American Church Love of Country? by Shane Idleman

A post on social media read: “The largest problem with the American church is that it is American before it is the church.” 

I don’t want to read too much into this post, but with the complete failure in Afghanistan, the rise of CRT, and the increasing disdain for America, the timing of it seems to reveal a political bent. There is too much at stake to remain silent.

Are there people at the other extreme elevating America above God? Of course, but why throw many Christians under the bus? Why throw the baby out with the bath water? Why not clarify our positions instead of leaving them open to wrong and misguided interpretations? 

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In my opinion, these types of posts are political rants by those caught up in the “woke,” politically correct church. They disdain Trump but say nothing about Biden’s clear destruction of our nation and its God-given foundation. They are influenced more by TikTok than God’s clock, more by Hollywood than the Holy Spirit, more by the liberal media than by the literal meaning of Scripture. 

Woke but Asleep

The biggest problem in America is sin and the absolute failure in the pulpit to proclaim all of God’s truth in the power of the Spirit, and “woke,” politically correct leaders are a major part of the problem. They don’t call out sin or call the nation to repentance. Sadly, it appears that many of these pastors are not spending sufficient time in prayer while looking to God‘s Word for strength, direction, and boldness. Instead of allowing brokenness and humility to guide them, they often choose cowardliness and political correctness. They are “woke,” but asleep to the things of God.

The more concerning issue is that most who support the types of posts mentioned above, also embrace liberal theology. Isn’t that interesting? This group typically has a problem with the inerrancy of Scripture as well as difficult truths, such as repentance, judgment, and sin. They also welcome anti-scriptural agendas … the LGBTQ onslaught comes to mind.

Itching Ears

Again, love of country is not the problem (God wanted Israel to be thankful for their nation); love of sin is the problem. Many pastors are more worried about the opinions of men rather than God’s opinion. They tickle the ears but never challenge the heart. In the last days, people will actually be drawn to these types of leaders: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” (2 Timothy 4:3 ESV).

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