Don’t Wait Another Second…

Don’t Wait Another Second…

Good morning Humble Servant of the King of kings

Almighty God, Father of all, we humbly come before You give thanks for mercies we are not worthy to receive. Father we lift Your name above all names and place Your name over our lives and over all that is, was and will be. Father, in the name of Your loving Son, Jesus Christ, we praise You and give thanks for the vision in our eyes, the thoughts You provide and the softened heart that only You could make possible.

Father we bow before You, with cloth in hand, we wash Your feet, we wash the feet of our brothers and sisters in love and humility.

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If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.
For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.
Truly, truly, I say to you,
a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one
who sent him.
If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.
~John 13:14-17 NASB95

Father we are not afraid. We are Your servants and we will seek Your Kingdom first, we will seek Your Living Word, first.

Father God in heaven, reign down on us, shower us Father with Your healing touch. Search our hearts, Father God, rebuke all the phrases, words and spirits not from You. Rebuke them all in the name of Jesus Christ. Soften our hearts, Father, search our hearts and rebuke all the sprits not from You, rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ. Fill us with the Holy Spirit that we may walk in Your Power, that we may be a vessel for Your Strength and may the Light of Your Love shine through us that others may see the Gospel Truth.

Let us dance upon the waves with You, Father. Let Your Strength, Healing and Mercy fall upon Erik and his family right now. Touch each member of the Dattwyler family to remind them You are present, You are in charge and You have the Strength to make all things happen. You, Father God, are the Great Healer and we boldly seek Your healing touch, right now. Drive out any and all afflictions that have come to my Brother Erik. Father God, send them straight to hell where they came from and lock them away for a thousand years. We need each of Your Sons and Daughters that You, Yourself chose before they were in their mothers womb. Heal Erik and his family, right now, please Father God, don’t wait another second, let it be Your will.

In Jesus Christ Loving name we pray. Amen

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