Make Way For Healing…
Good morning Brave and Loyal servant of Jesus Christ.
God Almighty, we come before You this morning surrounded by the Kingdom of God with all the Saints in full view. Father as we place Your name over our lives and raise it above all things we thank You for renewing our mercies every morning. It is is with a humble heart we seek Your face, we see what Your Son suffered for us. We hear His cry in prayer. Father we are sinners of the highest order and yet You call us perfect. We are sinners but You see us as beautiful. We are sinners but You call us Your sons and daughters.
Father strengthen us in Your Power. Fill us with Your Love. Shine Your Light of hope and grace through our heart. Bind Your will to our will so that we may walk in Love
It will be to Me a name of joy, praise and glory before all the nations of the earth which will hear of all the good that I do for them, and they will fear and tremble because of all the good and all the peace that I make for it.’ “Thus says the Lord, ‘Yet again there will be heard in this place, of which you say, “It is a waste, without man and without beast,” that is, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate, without man and without inhabitant and without beast, the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who say,
“Give thanks to the Lord of hosts,
For the Lord is good,
For His lovingkindness is everlasting”;
and of those who bring a thank offering into the house of the Lord. For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were at first,’ says the Lord. ~Jeremiah 33:9-11 NASB95
Who can be against us when the Lord our God is for us?
Father God Almighty, lift us, lift our family, strengthen our lungs, makes our heart to be soft as to receive Your great and awesome Love. Let the Holy Spirit fall upon us and fill us with Comfort and Counsel. May Jesus Christ go before us and beside us, behind us and, most definitely, in us.
Father God we ask that You remove all the thoughts not from You. Father God remove all the spirits in this place not from You, for You and representing You – rebuke them all in the name of Jesus Christ. Clear this place to make Way for healing, clear this place to make Way for Truth of Your great power. Touch our skin, right now, to let us know You are present, You are with us and You will be with us forever more. Heal us and our family in this day. Let love conquer all.
This we pray in the loving name of Jesus Christ. Amen