Alveda King launches new mission to bring pro-life curriculum to classrooms, Sunday schools By Jeannie Ortega Law, Christian Post Reporter
Evangelist Alveda King, one of the nation’s leading pro-life voices and niece of Martin Luther King Jr., has launched a new pro-life organization to bring pro-life curriculums to Sunday schools and after-school clubs to inform the next generation on the importance of life.
King launched the new group Speak For Life earlier this month, in which she will travel around the nation to speak on college campuses, schools and in other venues.
“Human life is sacred from the womb to the tomb,” the activist told The Christian Post in a video interview that can be viewed below.
The 70-year-old King, who has advocated against abortion for over half her life, wants her life’s mission to help further encourage people to value all human life, regardless of color, creed or age. She recently retired from Priests for Life to pursue her own ministry goals.
“Speak For Life — the organization is new, but my ministry and mission has been ongoing for all of my life,” she said. “I was rescued from abortion myself in 1950 when my mom was pregnant with me, and my grandfather convinced her to have me.”
The following is an edited transcript of King’s interview with CP. She details some of the curricula that her organization will offer students, ranging from elementary school to college.
Christian Post: Can you tell us about how Speak for Life came about?
King: As a Christian evangelist, I was born again in 1983. My whole worldview changed. I was pro-abortion, for example. I was such a feminist that I thought women should take over the world.
In 1983, I had been an actress, a state legislator, accomplished many things and I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. So I began to realize that human life is sacred from the womb to the tomb. The little babies in the womb are people. Once they’re born, they begin to grow. We become adults. Sometimes we’re sick or elderly, or so many things can occur in life. But human dignity must exist, from the womb to the tomb and everything between.