According To An Agent of Satan Your God Given Rights Are Now “Privileges”
When you woke up yesterday you had God given Rights – big “R” Rights. Well, while you were sleeping that changed. Today, according to the woman that used to run Planned Parenthood, you know the place where they murder children, yeah, the lady that used to oversee that satanic operation has just come out to say your Rights have morphed into “privileges” that she and others like her will now hand out according to how they feel on any certain day.
Time for playing nice is over.
"American privileges" should only be given to the vaxxed
— Osler (@osler78) September 16, 2021
Well… this seems to make sense.
— Free Thinker (@freethought202) September 13, 2021
Just a quick reminder about the Tweet above…
— *Stang (@Zieleds) September 16, 2021
This is one of the families attempting to lord over the world and your family. Some of the most evil people in the world are the ones that hide in the shadows and are rarely in front of a camera of any kind. They avoid electronic devices that are not secured by the companies they own but they somehow feel entitled to rule over our lives because they have more funds in the bank than anyone else. Looking forward to the return of Jesus Christ to set this straight. These people are pure evil and need to go.
— conspiracybot (@conspiracyb0t) September 16, 2021
Does this make sense to you?
Mongolia was once touted as a huge success with few covid deaths in the 1st year of the pandemic. After mass vaccinations they now lead the world in covid cases and have much higher high death rates.
This is not an anti-vax post. But who else is asking… what’s going on here?
— Yinon Weiss (@yinonw) September 13, 2021
Why is Bill Gates planning for the “next pandemic”? Wouldn’t that make if it’s a “plandemic”? Yes, we know that at some point, say another 100+ years, another pandemic MAY / PERHAPS show up, but to plan for something that you, supposedly, know nothing about, know nothing of it’s origins or what we would be dealing with – how do you plan for something like that? I would love to know. Prepping for natural disasters, war and other types of situations that “preppers” look to is completely different than planning on the unknown.
Bill Gates planning for the next “plandemic”.
— Chrissy 🌸 🌸🇬🇧 🇺🇸 (@Chrissy_2697) September 15, 2021
Oh…maybe this is why Bill Gates is planning another pandemic. The first one didn’t work like they had hoped and the people began fighting back sooner than was planned…so, another “plandemic” needs to be rolled out…
None are so so blind as those who will not see.
— Capitalist Exploits (@capitalistexp) September 16, 2021
Well…are you sitting this one out or are you an awakening lion?
— The Burning Platform (@burningplat) September 16, 2021
Here’s another nazi being a nazi…
Albertas Health Minister: The unvaccinated will not be permitted to attend any private indoor social gatherings
— Osler (@osler78) September 16, 2021
Just a reminder that vaccines are only for those that are of zero importance. Only for those that should be eliminated. Only for those the government doesn’t need – you know, nonessential personal.
— PENNSYLVANIA IS TRUMPS 🗣 🇺🇸 (@RED_IN_PA_2) September 15, 2021
I saved this for last because the language is a disaster. F bombs dropped all over the place. The reason this is being published is because the information seems to be legit and seems to be vital for those wishing to be informed. This is a whole other view of the DUMBs, the reported underground network of tunnels and WalMart’s role in the coming era of FEMA / Hunger Games / dystopia America. If this doesn’t get your attention…well, good luck.
Language WARNING
Underground warehouse run by Walmart… From Tel E Gram ???
— Me 🌸🌸🌸🩸 (@pambeertom) September 15, 2021