When They Speak… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
One of the rules the #satanicGlobalist follow is to always share what they are going to do. This way they can sleep at night knowing they notified the citizens of their evil intent. It is our responsibility to watch for, listen to and respond accordingly to what they say. The sad part is, not very many people take them at face value.
Let’s listen in to some of the crimes against humanity they are discussing right now…
They say they want to “Build Back Better”, but it was their reckless policies and corrupt escapades that broke it. Call it what it is: a Globalist, Neoliberal corporatist coup d’etat… #GreatReset #COVID19 #BuildBackBetter pic.twitter.com/6vicfLMIx8
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) September 14, 2021
While these criminals in Washington DC would have us believe that Operation Mockingbird ended in the early 1970’s we still have eyes to see and ears to hear. And while this particular program may have ended someone needs to explain why MSNBC and CNN are filled to the brim with former CIA, FBI and other #satanicGlobalist. Anderson Cooper, CNN “personality” trained with the CIA for 6 months – click here to read all about it
In 1975 the CIA created Operation Mockingbird. This allowed CIA to manipulate the main street media. 46 years later look what happened to the MSM. When listening to any media how do you know what’s fact and fiction? pic.twitter.com/iglE9bH1yn
— NESARA – GESARA (@Gitmo33) September 13, 2021
Biden Admin’s John Kirby: “I cannot confirm” who we killed in the drone strike but “the strike was taken to prevent an imminent attack on the airport.” pic.twitter.com/ogpKWyPLD7
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 13, 2021
Watch how these #satanicGlobalist squirm when ask a question off script. Gotcha moments should be the norm. These people are SUPPOSE TO BE SERVANTS. This video begins at the moment with the Senator ask the criminal a question about his testimony regarding the crimes of Hunter Biden…beautiful. The beginning of the video is interesting as well, I just wanted to cut-to-the-chase.
What about former occupant of the White House coming out on 9/11 to call the American People terrorist…yeah, he did that.
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) September 14, 2021
While this is not the criminals telling us what is coming next it is a good source of what is coming next.
ICYMI, my interview on @WattersWorld with @JesseBWatters on how anti-Americanism inside our borders makes us vulnerable to threats outside our borders. pic.twitter.com/OrPY7PF6BX
— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) September 13, 2021
Since when do we follow the dictates of an unelected criminal like Fau-Chi?
Are you okay with having someone restrict your free movement within yours country? Think about it. Think deeply about not being to go see your parents, your children, take vacation, go on business trip and the like – WITHIN OUR BORDER because an unelected criminal told you you’re NOT ALLOWED for whatever reason. Seriously?!?! This is acceptable?!?!
NEW – Dr. Fauci: Proof of vaccination or negative test for domestic travel within the U.S. “is on the table for discussion.”pic.twitter.com/iMfykbN5nj
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) September 14, 2021
Since the criminals in charge had really great policies in place to protect people from injury, those are now being changed to allow the government to lord over us as serfs…
Just got this straight from OSHA’s site. No reporting of vaxx side effects bc they don’t want to dissuade people from getting it! pic.twitter.com/81aAnulPbn
— 🇺🇸BlueEyedGirl🇺🇸 (@stopsilencing2) September 13, 2021
What about this? Alarming is one what of putting to it.
Alarming if true… pic.twitter.com/709D0J9Ad4
— Osler (@osler78) September 13, 2021
Alarming… pic.twitter.com/BkCGfCzlOq
— Osler (@osler78) September 14, 2021