Federalism to the rescue? Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) decried lockdowns and mandates

Federalism to the rescue? Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) decried lockdowns and mandates by  for DKAnalytics

Federalism led by the Sunshine State government
Very impressive and much too rare in today’s age. Freedom over tyranny.  Science and statistics over lies, scaremongering, oxygen deprivation, and unconscionable, forced vaccinations of the very cohort, young people, that are least likely to succumb to the Corona virus. Sanity over destructive insanity.  Humanity over inhumanity.  And penalties for FL-based employers, both public and private, that demand Corona virus vaccine documentation, which the Sunshine State governor and legislature view as infringements of 4th Amendment privacy rights and, I strongly assume, as infringements of unenumerated, yet inalienable rights codified in the 9th Amendment.  In short, penalties for documentation demands that threaten employee discrimination and termination and violate state and federal medical privacy rights are being addressed by the pivotal executive and legislative branches of the Florida State government.

Isn’t this what we should except from every governor who took an oath to uphold his/her respective state’s constitution, which closely mirrors the US Constitution to which the original states gave birth, and to which every state is bound, as concerns the Bill of Rights protections for all Americans, thanks to the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution?  Isn’t this what we should expect from every state level legislator that took the same oath, especially if the federal government acts tyrannically, i.e., if the separation of powers doctrine between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, clearly enumerated and limited powers, and the 10th Amendment enshrined into the US Constitution fail to prevent tyranny?  Isn’t it then — now — up to the states, which gave birth to the US government and clearly “ring-fenced” its power over both states and individuals, to fight for a revival of the very inalienable rights protections they insisted upon when drafting and signing off on the US Constitution, very much including the incorporation of the Bill of Rights?

Federalism in limited, but stout action:
Go Freedom Ron! Go Florida State legislature, which has worked with the governor to recover various inalienable rights that were indefinitely and unconstitutionally suspended or stripped from the people of Florida by tyrannical bureaucrats at countystate or federal levels.  These usurpations were a) a violation of the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution assuring substantial state and citizen rights not explicitly delegated to the United States in the federal constitution; b) and/or a violation of the Takings Clause of the 5th Amendment thanks to prolonged, bankrupting lockdowns imposed especially on small businesses and churches; c) and/or a violation of the US Constitution’s Commerce Clause, whose prime purpose is to underpin international and interstate trade at the federal level, not to impede it, as per the CDC’s long-standing sailing ban, which Florida succeeded in getting overturned; and/or d) a violation of other aspects of state or federal statutory or constitutional law that protect the rights and powers of individuals while limiting the extent to which government can “lord over them,” very much including daily masking up, for up to eight hours a a time, five days a week, of the very school children that are at virtually zero risk to the Corona virus, even if parents opposed it.

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