Rack Of Lambie

Rack Of Lambie

I believe people that should know history have suddenly forgotten history. The members of the media seem to have forgotten the members of the media during the 1940’s Nuremberg Trials they were found guilty of assisting the Nazi’s in killing the Jews. Just a reminder, nothing else.

Nuremberg Code states that we can not be forced to take a vaccine – not only is this humanitarian law, it is international law.

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With this past weekend being 9/11 the ruling class has been out in force. Some were received really well, while others, well…

Where did the flu go? Why did the cases plunge to fewer than 2,000 when the cases had been runing in the mid 30,000,000’s? How is that possible? Did all the seasonal flu cases change names? hmmm…

So they lied, or misrepresented the seasonal flu and now…

Time to stand up?

If you can see this, so can our allies and enemies. The whole world is watching and they see what we see – a predator tracking prey… then his mind shifts gears and he simply wanders off.

This man is a predator and he married one of his prey.

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