A Cautionary Tale: How Gun Control Played Out in Nazi Germany

A Cautionary Tale: How Gun Control Played Out in Nazi Germany by Aden Tate for The Organic Prepper

The rights of Americans are getting trampled on at every turn. Unfortunately, the right to self-defense as enshrined within the Second Amendment is no exception to being spit upon by communists/globalists (I admit to a bit of redundancy there).

Since President Joe Biden has been in office, we’ve seen efforts such as pre-crime surveillance plansthe administration asking SCOTUS to uphold warrantless gun confiscation, and executive orders that could turn a whole lot of gun owners into felons. In fact, the Biden administration has been very open about Biden’s willingness to “get the job done” with gun control executive orders. Or royal decrees. To-may-to, to-mah-to.

Do you think gun confiscation couldn’t happen here?

A lot of folks are firmly convinced gun control could never happen in the United States of America. Of course, neither did the Germans before WW2. Nor did the Venezuelans. Other South Americans didn’t think so either.

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As Selco writes in his article, Gun Confiscation: Here’s How it Might Actually Go Down”:

The 2nd Amendment is very cool, and I like it very much, but here is the ugly truth:

It works only if the government wants it to work. One day, when the government does not want it to work anymore it will be out of order, illegal, or even terrorist to practice it. Sorry, it is not your inalienable right. The government lets you THINK  it is your inalienable right. Actually, you do need to protect that right. You need to defend it.

History is a fantastic instructor and can perhaps help others better understand why this is such an important right to defend. Today, let us turn to the series of gun control laws passed in pre-World War 2 Germany. Does any of this look familiar?

April 12, 1928 – The Law on Firearms and Ammunition

Everyone now needed a license for anything related to guns due to this law. Whether manufacturing, assembling, repairing, or selling a gun, the person would be required to have a government-issued license. Not only did this law apply to guns, but it applied to ammunition as well. Anyone wanting to purchase ammunition or even to reload their own now needed a license to do so.

Arguably, this single law laid the foundation for all of what followed next in Germany throughout the ’30s and ’40s.

Not even a year passed before the Germans decided they needed further restrictions with this law. July 1928, the German government decreed that citizens were now required to have a permit to acquire more than one gun. Furthermore, citizens were only permitted 50 cartridges for that weapon.

March 18, 1931 – Unauthorized use of weapons

This law banned the carrying of any weapon off of one’s premises. By extension, this law made it illegal for groups of armed men to assemble in public places. The law specifically targeted clubs and knives. However, the law also included guns considering the exemption of those with (difficult to obtain) firearm carry permits.

February 15, 1933 – Registration of all firearm licenses

Nazi officials now demanded that all lists of registered firearm holders be delivered to the municipal government. The Nazi’s gave three weeks to comply. Anybody who the government deemed a potential threat (aka politically opposed) to the Nazi party had their firearm license revoked. According to reports, Nazis used pre-war lists of gun owners to confiscate firearms, and many gun owners simply disappeared. Following confiscation, the Nazis were free to wreak their evil on the disarmed populace, such as on these helpless Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto. [source]

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