Prayers for Erik…
Please join us in prayer for a great warrior doing battle in with the spirits and principalities from the dark. Erik has been a great friend and a true inspiration for many years. So, we humbly ask for your prayers to lift up this Brother in Christ, along with his family, as he has is now in a hospital cut off from our healing touch.
Be sure to read this amazing work that Erik inspired. This will give you an idea of the depth of faith, the strength in his battle and his deep love for our Lord. – click here to read Collateral Resurrection
Below are three prayers that we have sent to him, with as many as it takes to follow. Thank you for your time and consideration.
May the eyes of your heart be enlightened to the glory and wonder of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the healing touch of our Father rest quietly upon your body, mind and soul as the love of God surrounds you. Father God as we lift Your name above all names we boldly ask for healing of Erik. We boldly ask, Father, that You be the hands of the doctors, You be the hands of the nurses and, Father God, let the Holy Spirit fill the healthcare facility fill Erik’s home and bring Comfort to he and his family.
Yet regard the prayer of Your servant and his supplication, O Lord my God, and listen to the cry
and the prayer which Your servant is praying before You today: that Your eyes may be open
toward this temple night and day, toward the place of which You said, ‘My name shall be there,’
that You may hear the prayer which Your servant makes toward this place. ~1 Kings 8:28-29 NKJB
May the Light of His love shine through your heart and fill those in your life. May the Lord of Host go before you, beside you and in you. Thank you Father God for showering our lives with many blessings. Father, we ask that You guide and direct our thoughts and our activities in this day. Father, don’t just soften our heart but instead be our heart. Father, don’t just bind our mind to the Mind of Christ, be our mind. Heal us from within. Touch our skin, right now, to remind us that You are our God and that You are near. Fill us with the mercies made new each morning as we thank You for the grace you shower our lives with. Father God, strengthen us to forgive others as You have so mercifully forgiven us.
In Your Sons loving name, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen
Father God, Almighty Jesus Christ we place Your name above all names in it’s place of Honor over our lives.
Father, we boldly come before You seeking Your healing Power. We humbly ask the Comforter to fall on Erik, bringing love, strength and joy to his heart. Father we knock upon the door for entrance into source of all Healing that only You can provide. We ask Father God that You be the hands of the doctors, the hands of the nurses and be their heart Father, give them the Heart of Christ. Bind their minds to the Mind of Christ that they may serve in ways that are pleasing to Him.
These we ask in Your Son, Jesus Christ, loving name.
Brother Erik.
May God lift you, wrap His loving arms around you and strengthen your lungs. Father God as we place Your name above all and give You all the praise, we ask for the Holy Spirit to walk with Erik, shower his life, the life of Christy with Light with Living Waters and shower their lives with grace and thank You, Father God, for renewing mercies everyday.
May the healthcare works use Your hands, Father, and soften their hearts to accept Your love, touch their skin and let them know You are real and You are present guiding their hands. Father God please bind the Mind of Christ to the mind of the healthcare workers to allow them full access to Your healing Power, Your healing Touch and Your healing love.
Father we pray in the name of Your loving Son, Jesus Christ. Amen